[NSFW] 50 - 3: Thawing Ice

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Athanasia's body was laid down on the counter, back and head flat. Her hips lifted, ankles almost ached from the raw strength of Lucas' grips as he pulled her to connect with him.

Lucas leaned down until their forehead touched. His lips laid claim on hers, molding himself into her mouth. His tongue swiped across the parting of her lips, asking for permission to enter, and she gradually relented control and authority.

There was no more rejection from Athanasia's side. Lucas lowkey sighed in relief that he didn't have to deal with the denial side of her anymore. Her whimper reclined a state of confidence for him even more as the sound of their desire filled the kitchen and she slowly became engaged in the fire.

She put her hands around his nape, threading her fingers into his hair, heating the igniting passion that she gave in to only to find out the heightened temperature of his body.

Everything about Lucas was visibly hot. His lips, his tongue, his breaths. The touch of his palms ran up and down her legs.

Especially his body that flushed with her, no gap and there was a seamless curve that his body just slotted so well against hers. It was physically thawing the cold that Athanasia was having trouble dealing with. It comforted her. She was already addicted despite not and never admitting that part.

Oh, how his hardness ached to have her wrap around him. The thought made him let out steamy low grunts as he rolled his hips, grinding on her. The layers of clothes did nothing to barricade his hard erection against her soaking evidence, forming delicious friction on their intimate parts.

Her eyes slowly closed, letting him guide her through this one more time. One sense lost, another sense sharpened.

He kissed with confidence, without a single bit of hesitation. The wet smacks between her gasping for air. Then he chased after her open mouth. She panted into the kiss when he slid his tongue against the roof of her lips.

Then there was a short break, yet it felt so long for her that she had to open her eyes again. She made eye contact with her man.

Lucas was staring down at her enticingly, panting. His face flushed red yet she wouldn't dare make fun of him. The droplets of sweat caught in his hair, and some water fell from his cheek down to the divots of his collarbones, sliding down the curve of his pec.

He went back down and she opened her mouth for him. But his lips missed the rightful place and instead dipped to her neck, sucking, canines bite into her skin. His teeth sank deeper, sucking harder before pulling away, leaving a purple bruise. He licked at the mark, trailing back up to capture her lips in another kiss, leading to another moment of drowsiness washing over her.

She felt him steadily growing harder against her stomach.

Just then, her ears picked up a sound, right above her head and her eyes went wide. She forgot that they weren't alone.

Athanasia's cold hand found Lucas' stomach. Her hand lingered and it made him shiver, pulling yet another throaty groan out of his mouth.

"Lu-Lucas...! Wait...! Ho-hold on...!"

It was an attempt to stop him. It barely did its job but Lucas pat himself on the back for keeping control. Though he just needed some air.

"Don't you think I've waited long Enough?" he asked, peering down at her without inching any closer.

Athanasia flinched upon hearing his growl at the end of the sentence, almost threatening.

As she tried to retrieve her hand back, Lucas immediately held her wrist measly into his skin. His singular hand was large enough to enclose both of hers, but he chose just one. He guided her hand downward to his lower stomach, then to the waistband of his pants.

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