31: Hold Tight, Your Highness

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From sitting on a chair to standing, Lucas carefully stood up again, testing his ground with the support of the wooden frame.

Then he felt an arm on his waist that could barely wrap around his back. The other rested on his chest, supporting his weight as she leaned closer to him, pressing her body against his.

"No need to take out the trash, Athy," he said. "I can take myself out."

Just like a light switch, Athanasia's expression turned to dismay, and she retreated her hands back to her side.

"Hey now. It was just a joke."

But she wasn't laughing, and neither was he.

Then something told him that she was about to bolt out of the room when Athanasia took the first step back. So Lucas quickly seized her hand again.

Testing his muscle memory, he swept her off balance with his foot and switched position from where he was standing. Before she could protest, he pushed her down by her shoulder, making her sit on the sofa instead.

"Are you trying to make me leave or you're trying to leave me?" He asked almost quietly, but she did not answer.

He huffed, annoyed that she wouldn't give a straight answer. He sighed again, yet still reached for the towel around her shoulders. As he did so, Lucas scanned Athanasia's body.

She was still tensed. She was so anxious that Lucas could see the clenching fists and she barely even breathing.

Holding one of her balled hands, he kissed away the tension and he saw her flinch slightly. Lucas held her hand tenderly, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand in a circle.

"Relax a little," he told her before putting her hand back on her lap.

As soon as he heard Athanasia draw a deep breath in, her posture became a bit loose.

"Good," he commented, continuing what he was doing.

"What... Are you trying to do?" She asked, following his every movement.

"Drying your hair," he replied. "I will give you space if you want after this."

Then Lucas topped the cloth on her head, letting the fabric cover half of her face by her eyes level, and started drying her hair.

But then Athanasia used her free hand to lift the cloth, just enough to let her clear her vision and Lucas once again, was stopped.

She had a bleak-looking face on. Depleted and sad, Lucas saw.

For a good five minutes, they would only stare at each other.

"Are you mad at me?" She finally asked.

A kind of question that would make Lucas' eyes go slightly wide.

"Do I sound or look like I'm mad at you?"

"You were..."

"Past tense?"

"You're... Still mad?"

"Am I?"


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"You haven't answered."

"How should I answer?"

"Are you going to scold me?"

Lucas blinked. Then suddenly, he busted out laughing before going back to his duty without making eye contact with her.

"What's so funny?" Athanasia asked. She couldn't understand why he found her question to be this amusing.

"This brings back memories," Lucas commented, still smiling.

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