Trouble Is Coming Soon

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The Volturi's POV

Jane said, "The humans in Forks know that the Cullen's are vampires. What shall be there punishment Aro?" Aro replied, "They must be destroyed, all of them. The humans that know shall be killed because the secret of vampires excisting cannot get out." Jane replied, "When shall we leave here to go to Forks?" Aro responded, "We'll leave the day after tomorrow." Felix interjected, "We have some major planning ahead of us. We shall end the Cullen's once and for all."

Bella's POV

Yesterday I had revealed myself to the entire student body, I hope the Volturi never find out this had happen or we all would end up dead. I heard Edward talk about a vampire name Felix, he's similar to Emmet, but he may be much stronger. Edward had explain to me that Felix gift is his strength, Felix is much stronger than any other vampire.

Jasper emotions are through the roof, he's worried about his mate. Three seconds later I hear a scream, it was from Alice. Me and Edward leave his bed room and go down the stairs to see what had happened. When I reach the living room, I was hit with a vision.

Beginning of Vision.

Me and the Cullen's were in the field, a few seconds later the Volturi clan enter the field where the Cullen's like to play baseball when it's storming outside. A vampire named Jane said, "All of you Cullen's are going to die Today." I spoke up and said, "I'm not one of the Cullen's, I'm a Swan. It's not there fault that the humans found out about vampires, It's mine." Aro tried to approach me , I put my shield up and said, "Don't come any closer to us, I have more than one gift." Aro curiously asked, "What are your gifts Bella?" When he said my name, he caught me off guard. I took an unneeded breathe and said, "I have a physical shield and a mental shield, see the future, and I could easily crush you with my mind." At the end of my statement the wolves enter the field, a smile spreads across my face as I say, "Our back up has arrived." Aro started to back away from us...

End of Vision.

When I phased out of the vision, all of the Cullen's were staring at me. Edward asked, "What did you see Bella?" I told him, "I think we should hear what Alice was first." Everyone of us turned around to face Alice, there was fear in her eyes. She took an uneven breathe before saying, "The Volturi are coming here to kill all of us. Then everything goes dark on us, I can't see the future. " I replied, "Then I'll fill you in Alice, I saw more than just that." I walked to the middle of the room and stopped next to Alice, I turned around to face the rest of the Cullen's. I began saying, "The Volturi enter the field, where you all like to play baseball. Jane says, "All of you Cullen's are going to die Today." I basically tell them it's my fault that humans found out vampires exist. Aro tries to approach me, but I put up my shield and say, "Don't come any closer to us, I have more than one gift?" The reason why Alice couldn't see our future because the wolves are going to help us with the Volturi." 

Carlisle said, "We will need to contact them as soon as possible. Do you know when this is going to take place?" Alice replied, "In less than three days." Carlisle nodded his head and asked me, "Do you have Jacob's phone number Bella?" I responded, "Yes, I'll go call him."

I dash up the stairs to Edward's bedroom, I take my phone off the charger. I flipped it open and dialed Jacob's number, he answered on the third ring. He said, "Hello Bella, What's up?" I replied, "We need your help. Can you and the rest of your wolves meet us at the boundary line?" He replied, "Sure thing Bella. We will meet you their in one hour, is that okay?" I replied, "Yes Jacob, see you then." Before he could say another word, I hung up. I walked down the stairs to tell the rest of my vampire family, as I edge around the corner I said, "They will meet us at the boundary line in one our."


Jacob's POV

A few seconds later the Cullen's and Bella approach the boundary line. I walked up and stand beside Bella in my wolf form, Bella began to speak. She said, "The Volturi will be coming to Forks in a few days, they're are a clan of vampires from Italy. They're coming here because I revealed what we are to the student body." I quickly transformed into human form and said, "Bella told me this a few days ago, I know she didn't mean any harm to the humans. We will need to End this royal family of vampires once and for all." The wolves growled in agreement. 

You could sort of say that the wolves were left out of the bag. Bella began to say, "The fight will be taking place in the field in front of the house. I see all of you entering the field when I say, "I have a physical shield and a mental shield, see the future, and I could easily crush you with my mind." I don't really know if I can crush a vampire with my mind." I watch Bella turn her head towards a boulder fifty feet away and focus hard on it, it began to shake until it crumbles to pieces. Then she says, "I guess I do possess that gift, it will definitely will come in handy." 

Carlisle began to speak, "We all will need some extra training, when we have to fight the Volturi. They will be harder to kill than other vampires." Thus the training with the Cullen's will begin to prepare for the major fight.

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