Feeling Safe

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Bella's POV

Since Mathew Keltings was killed a few days ago, I feel much safer. In a few hours me and Edward will be getting ready for school. Charlie is still in his bed room sound asleep. My identity will be revealed to the entire student body during lunch.

When her identity is revealed, the secret will be known. Sun light will stream through the spot where she will be standing. The secret of vampires will be known by the entire student body. But the question is once it is revealed will it remain a secret.

Three Hours Later

Edward says, "Bella, class will begin in an hour. Shall we get ready for school." I turned around in his arms and said, "Okay Edward. I love you." He replied, "I love you too my darling." We head towards the bathroom, we took a shower together. Edward wrapped a towel around his waist, while I put my robe on before heading back to my bedroom with Edward. Within a few seconds we both are dried off and dressed. Edward follows me downstairs into the kitchen where I start to prepare Charlie's breakfast.

A few minutes later, Charlie enters the kitchen and sits down at the table. Rain starts to pour down and echoes very loudly throughout the house. Edward said, "Today is a good day for us vampires." I give Edward the look before I continue making Charlie's breakfast. I knew today wasn't going to be a good day for the race of all vampires. I had the feeling something very bad was going to happen today, to the Cullen family and me.

Within fifteen minutes, I had Charlie's breakfast ready and in front of him. I sat down at the table and watched Charlie eat his breakfast. The feeliing of something bad happening soon wouldn't go away; it just kept nagging at me.

The Vision

I got on top of a table and said, "Can I have you attention?"  My voice echoed through the entire school making everyone in the cafeteria. I continued, "As everyone knows I go by the name of Alicia Swan. That's not who I am, my real name is Bella Swan."  I pulled my wig off and tossed it to Edward. Everyone gasped in shock, except the Cullens. Suddenly I looked out the window as a stream of sunlight comes through.

End of Vision.

Edward had a concerned look on his face, he asked, "Bella, did you just had a vision?" I lied to him by telling him, "No, I didn't. I was day dreaming a little. He replied, "Okay honey." I looked over towards my father, he gave me a disaproving look. He knew I had just lied to Edward. In five hours Edward will know what was going to happen. There is no way of stopping it.

When the sunlight touches her skin, it will shine like diamonds. None of the Cullen will be able to stop it from happening. They hope the Volturi will never find out. If the Volturi find out there is going to be a war between them. Human lifes will be at stake just as much as theirs.

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