Charlie's Protection

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Bella's POV

I thought to myself, charlie needs to be protected. Next time he could be killed or worse, turned into  a vampire. I don't want that to happen to him. I looked around the room, I say Edward standing in the doorway. He asked me, "what happened to him?" Before I could respond, Billy said, "A vampire trried to kill him, it almost exceded. Bella saved him though." Edward looked at me and I nodded to him.

I told Edward, "Can you tell Carlisle that all of your family to meet here after school is out for the day." He nodded and walked out of the room to tell Carlisle. I turned to Billy and asked, "Can you call the wolves and tell them to meet here about 3:30pm this afternoon?" He told me, "I will Bella." He pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number, the leader of the pack.

Edward POV

Why does she want our family of vampires to meet here after school. I wish I could read her mind, but I can't. As I reached Carlisles office, I heard him say, "Come in Edward." He looked at me and asked, "what do we need to discuss?" I replied, "she wants the family to meet in Charlie's room after school." Carlisle replied, "Why?" I told him, "I don't know the reason, she didn't tell me." He said, "I tell the family to meet there. Eventhough Alice probably knows already." I let out a slight chuckle before saying, "I'm sure she does." I walked out of the room and headed back to where Bella was.

Bella POV

Edward's family arrived here before the wolves. Ten minutes later, the packed arrived and stiffened when they saw the Cullens. Charlie was awake and asked, "What is this all about?" I told him, "I'm going to explain it to everyone in a little bit."

I took a moment to compose myself before saying to all of them, "I called all of you here to discuss what happened to charlie and what I think needs to happen." I then asked them, "Do all of you know what happened to Charlie?" All of the vampires nodded yes, but the wolves shook their head no. I told the wolves, "last night charlie was attacked by a red eyed vampire. Before I could stop the vampire, the god damn thing bit Charlie. I killed it and....drank the venom out of him until it was clean. I stop unlike someone else." I smiled at Edward and I could tell he was embarassed. I just laughed and he sent me a glare, I just laughed harder.

After a moment I continued saying, "He lost a lot of blood, he had to have a blood transfusion. The venom had spread through his body more that I thought." Sam spoke, "Why did you call this meeting?" I told him, "I think Charlie needs protection. What do you guys think?"

Sam spoke first, "That's a good idea." Carlisle replied, "I think it's a good idea too." I asked the wolves, "can you have two of you guys be on guard at night?" They nodded there heads yes. I turned to the Cullen's and asked, can two of you guys be on guard as well?" They nodded yes. I said, "okay, then it's official. We will start when Charlie gets out of the hospital." The nodded and left, but the Cullens stayed.

Edward asked me, "Why did you have to mention what happened with James?" I said in a low whisper, "I was just teasing that's all. I know didn't mean for it to happen. I won't mention it again, I promise, okay." He replied in a sullen voice, "Okay, good."

I forgot that Billy was still in the room, he asked, "Who is this James you just mentioned?" Edward told him the story, "The first time I took Bella to one of my family's baseball game. Three vampires entered the field. Laurent, Victoria, and James. James caught the scent of Bella and noticed I was ovwer protective of her and wanted a challenge. He wanted her blood, to kill her. Half of us tryed to lead him north while, the others lead Bella to Arizona. He figured out he wasn't following her scent and headed down south. He called her and convinced her he had her mom, she fell for it. Bella escaped from us and went to where James was. He attacked her and bit her before I could stop him. We kill James. She had venom in her blood. I had to make a choice, drink the venom out of her blood or let the change him. I don't want to say what happened next." Billy nodded his head as if he understood what happened and didn't say another word.

All of a sudden I caught the scent of blood, it was charlie's, he got a paper cut. Jasper's eyes grew dark, he charged at charlie. I leaped in front of charlie, I put up my shield htat I didn't know I had. All of there eye widened as they looked at me. Jasper's widened with anger and ran out of the room. I waited a minute and dropped my shield.

Charlie looked at me with wide eyes and asked, "What the hell was that?" In a low voice I replied, "I don't know, I guess I have a gift." Carlisle spoke, "Your gift is called a shield, it is also why Edward can't read your mind." Charlie had a confused look on his face and asked, "what?" I told him, "Edward can read minds, Alice has vision, Jasper can sense and minipulate emotions, and Carlisle is like immune to human blood, he had never taken a life."

I said to everyone in the room as I looked at Charlie, "Charlie is definitely going to need protection." Then I asked dad, "Is it okay if I move in with you?" He smile and said, "yes, it would make me happy if you moved in."  

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