Seeing Charlie

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Bella's POV

After I let the Cullen's mansion, I wanted to see my dad Charlie. I wanted to see how he was doing without me. I hoped he had moved on, but it wasn't so.

When I saw the house, there was a light on in my old room. I silently scaled the side of the house and stood on the balcony hidden from view. I heard him say, "my only daughter was taken from me. Why did it have to be her? She didn't hurt anyone." I couldn't help it, I had to tell him I was okay. 

I walked into my room. He looked at me with tears rolling down his cheeks. I pulled the shades, so no one could see us. He asked me, "who are you?" I replied, "I'm...your daughter..Bella." I took of my wig and his eyes lighted up. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. He said, "you have come home." I pulled out of the hug and said, "I can't live here with you." He asked sadly, "Why not?" I replied, "I don't to hurt you, it would be tempting all the time." He took a few steps back and said, "I don't understand."

I let out a sigh before saying, "Dad, look at my eyes; they are a different color. I'm not human anymore, I'm a...vampire..I drink blood." He backed away from me further. He said, "you drink human blood." I said, "no, I drink blood from animals." This time he walked a few steps closer to me. He said, "I trust you Bella, no matter what you are." I smiled when he said that, he trusted me even though he knows I'm a vampire. I told him, "you can't tell this to anyone. Humans are not suppose to know that vampires excist. You could get hurt." He just nodded.

He suddenly asked, "are the Cullen's...vampires? Your eyes are the same color as theirs." I looked at him and said, "yes, they are. Please just keep all of this a secret. He looked at me before saying, "yes, I will honey. I promise never to tell anyone.

We walked out of my old room and headed downstairs to the living room. I asked him, "how many times has the kitchen caught on fire, since I have been gone?" He replied, "only about thirty times."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Charlie got up and answered it Billy Black. When he saw me, his eyes widened with anger. He wheeled his chair towards me and stopped five feet infront of me. He asked me, "what is your kind doing here?" I thought to myself, what does he mean. It dawned on me, he knew I was a vampire. I replied, "I'm seeing my dad." I took my wig off. He said in a whisper, "they broke the treaty." I said, "The Cullen's didn't change me. A vampire name victoria made me this way. I promise I will never harm a human." 

He looked at me, when I said the last statement. He spoke, "I know you mean what you say, I think you will be the only vampire I like." I smiled when he said that, it meant so much to me. I looked at the clock, it was nine. I said, "I have to get to my cottage, I have homework to do." I hugged my dad good by and turned to look at Bill. He said, "Bye Bella." I said, "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm using a different name around other people. It's Alicia Leah Swan. I call myself, Bella's half sister."

I headed back home. 

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