The Return

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Bella's POV

Alice and Jasper are coming back to Forks today, they will return to school tomorrow. I'm definitely not looking forward to this. He tried to kill me and when he couldn't, he tried to go after Charlie. He needs to learn to control his anger. No vampire has attempted to kill Charlie since the first attack. I'm planning on to call off the protection. 

Edward asked me, "What are you thinking about?" I told him, "I think it is time to call off the protection. No one has made an attempt on Charlie's life lately." He nodded his head before saying, "Okay honey, I'll let Carlisle know." Then he kissed me passionately on the lips for a few seconds. 

Suddenly I heard a car pull up, Charlie was home. I turned to Edward and said, "I'm gonna make supper for charlie. I really don't want the kitchen to catch on fire." He laughed and followed me into the kitchen. I found some things I could use to make lasagna. Then I started to prepare Charlie's supper.

A half an hour later, the lasagna was done. Pulled a plate down for Charlie and put two helpings on his plate. I brought into the living room and handed into him. I told him, "Dad, I have to go to the Cullen's house for a few hours. I'll be back later." He replied, "Okay, see you later." Them I left the house with Edward.

After we entered the tree line, we took of running in the direction of the Cullen's Mansion. It took us about a minute to reach the mansion. We entered through the front door and headed straight for the living room. Alice and Jasper weren't here yet, I was happy for that.

Jasper's POV

I don't know how they will react when I come back there today. I did something so terrible they might hate me for a long time. I don't know if I will be able to handle that. I was going to apologize to Bella for what I did to her. I hope she would except my apology.

Bella's POV

A half an hour later, Jasper and Alice entered the living room to face us. Jasper walked up to me and, "I'm sorry for what happen few weeks ago. I don't know what had come over me. Will you ever forgive me?" I replied, "Yes, I forgive you." Then there was complete silence.

Alice broke the silence by saying, "I'm so happy you guys are letting me plan your wedding." Edward replied, "Just please don't go over board okay Alice." She just replied, "I'll try not to."

Knowing Alice, she will probably over board when planning the wedding. I just hope no one will try to kill Charlie. I decided I was going to head home, I wanted to spend time with Charlie. I told Edward, "I'm going to head home to spend some time with Charlie." He replied, "okay darling." I left without another word.

Well here is the next chapter, sorry it was so short. My next goal is to reach 260 reads before I post my next chapter. Remember to leave a comment. I respect my readers opinions.

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