Wedding Plans

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Bella's POV

Alice has been getting on my nerves lately, ask me question about the wedding. She also wants me and Edward to set a date for the wedding soon. Since being attack by that stupid Mathew Keltings life has been easier. I heard he will be returning to school on Monday, three days from now. I was not looking forward to that. 

Edward suddenly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. I said to him, "We better set a date soon, so Alice get's off our back." Edward replied, "Ya your probably right, she's been driving me crazy about it lately." I replied, "I bet she has." The last few nights I noticed that Alice has called him at least ten times during each night. I suddenly asked him, "How about having the wedding on Christmas day?" Edward replied, "Sounds good to me my love." I wrapped my arms behind his and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was harsh,but it was also passionate. As quickly as the kiss had begun, a minute later it came to an end.

Edward pulled away and said, "I'll call Alice and let her know what the date is." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Alice's number. One thing I liked about Alice's vision is I can block her from seeing any with me in them. Edward had told me this after I had been attack by that asshole Mattew Keltings. Alice had answered on the third ring, she said, "Hello Edward." Edward said, "Me and Bella have decided on a date." Alice asked, "What is it?" Edward replied, "December 25th." Alice asked, "You know that is Christmas right?"  I saw Edward roll his eyes, then replied, "Yes, I know thas is the day of Christmas." Alice replied, "You didn't have to get snappy..." Edward hung up on her before she could finish her sentence.

I said between giggles, "You...probably just....pissed" He replied, "I'm sure she is, but I really don't care." I wrapped my arms around him to keep him close to me. Edward said, "The sun will be out tomorrow, we won't be able to go to school." I replied, "Then we should go to the meadow and do things." I waited to see if he knew what I meant by doing things. When he didn't catch on, I winked at him. Then he chuckled and said, "You have a dirty mind my love." I replied, "I know I do." 

A few hours passed by and Charlie was starting to get ready for his day at work. I held Edwards hand as we walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I was going to cook Charlie breakfast. Edward sat on the counter as he was watching me cook scrambled eggs and sausage links. Fifteen minutes later, Charlie came down and sat at the kitchen table. He asked, "What's for breakfast." I replied, "Scrambled eggs and sausage links." A few minutes later I finished, Edward got out a plate and handed it to me. I said, "Thank you honey." Then I kissed him on the cheek. I put the scrambled eggs and sausage links on the plate and handed it to Charlie.

I looked out the window and noticed the sun was shining. I turned to Edward and said, "I guess you were right, the sun is shining today." I told Charlie, "I won't be able to go to school today, human would know I was different." I put my arm in front of the window, my skin started to shine like diamonds. A few second later I heard Charlie's fork drop to the floor. I turned to look at him, I swear that his jaw almost dropped to the floor. I grabbed a clean fork and handed it to the Charlie. 

When he finished eating his breakfast, I grabbed his plate from him and started to clean the dishes. Charlie asked, "What are you going to do if your not going to school?" I told him, "Me and Edward are going to our secret place." Charlie just nodded his head and said, "I'll see you two later." As Charlie was walking out the door, I replied, "Bye dad." I went back to finish cleaning the dishes. 

I said to Edward, "We better call the school and let them know we are not going to be there." He replied, "Carlisle would have called in for me already. You just need to call them." I replied, "Oh okay." I walked over to the phone and dialed the number for the school. When the attendance woman answered I said, "Hi, this is Alicia Swan. I won't be attending today, I'm sick with the stomach flu." I started to fake couch and made my voice sound weasy. The woman replied, "Okay honey, I hope you feel better soon." Then the woman hung up. I told Edward, "That's how  someone would call in sick." He shook his head and just laughed at me. 

We went to the living room to sit on the couch for a while. Edward wrapped his arms around me to hold me close to him, he kissed me softly on the lips. After a few minutes he pulled away and said, "I will always love you." I replied, "And I will always love you no matter what happens to us." 

After a few moments I said, "I can tell you one thing, I'm not looking forward to going to school on Monday." He asked, "Why is that?" I replied, "Because Mattew Keltings will be back at school on Monday." Edward groaned and said, "We'll make it through this, remember you can over power. He's just a bad excuse for a human.." I replied, "I know. I just get the feeling that I want to kill him, he makes me so mad." Edward said, "I know he does that to you. You just need to make it throught the school year." I told him, "I'll try my best. That's all I can say." Mattew Keltings better watch his step or I might end up killing the bastard. I looked up at Edward and asked, "How about we head to the meadow for a while?" He grabbed me by the hand and said, "Let's go then."

We headed out the back door and when we reached the tree line, we took off heading to the meadow with vampire speed. A minute later we reached the meadow, we laid down on the ground facing each other. We looked into each others eyes for a while.

Then I slowly got on top of him and started to kiss him. I started to unbotton his shirt and I almost ripped it off of him. I lifted up my arms as he pulled up my shirt over my head and tossed it aside. He started to kiss my jaw and moved down to my neck then down to my chest. He unfastened my bra and tossed it aside, he rolled us over and then he was on top. I started to undo his belt, within a second he had his pants off and was back on top of me. He started to undo my pants and he pulled them off, then he quickly pulled my underwear off. And then....

A few hours later, We finished making love and we put our clothes. I swear I could hear that  wolves were near by. I asked Edward, "Is there something near here?" He replied, "The wolves are nearby, I think you got them excited with all the orgasms you were letting out." I swear if I could blush right now that my face would be beat red. I just replied, "Oh okay." He asked, "How about we head over to the house and visit with the rest of my family?" I replied, "Sounds good to me." 

He helped me off the ground and we headed to the Cullen's house. A few minutes later, me and Edward were at the Cullen's house. When we got inside we headed for the living room. We sat on the couch, Emmet and Rosalie were sitting close to us. Emmet started saying, "You guys just missed some girl having orgasms, we could here her from several miles away." I let out a groan and shook my head at Emmet. Emmet started laughing and asked, "That was you wasn't it Bella." I yelled at him, "Shut up!" He just started to laugh harder. 

Suddenly Alice was in the room, she asked, "Can I see you in the Kitchen Bella?" I replied, "Ya." I followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table next to her. Alice said, "You were really loud Bella. Louder than anyone I ever heard." I told her, "I don't want to talk about it Alice. She replied, "okay Bella. I just have a few things to discuss about the wedding." I told her, "okay. Start asking away." She asked, "Would you like to have the wedding here?" I told her, "I couldn't think of a better place then having the wedding here." She smiled and asked, "Who should we all invite?" I replied, "Of course all of you guys, Charlie, my mother and her husband, and the wolves including Billy. We have to keep it small. No one should know of my exsistance." Alice replied, "Of course Bella." I asked, "Anymore questions?" Alice replied, "Just one more. Is it okay if we asked Billy to be the priest?" I replied, "I would love for him to be the priest."

Then the next few days just flew by and before I knew it was monday. 

Here is your next chapter. Alice finally knows when Edward and Bella want to have the wedding. It helps her work on finishing up on plans for the weddings. Will Mattew Keltings try to attack Bella again or will his attempts to claim her end. I will put up the next chapter after I reached 525 views. Let me know what you think about my story so far, I value my readers opinions.

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