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Edward POV

I can't bare to live an eternity without my Bella. I want  to die, my life is meaningless without her. Jasper must know how I am feeling because of his gift. I need to be with my family, but I just can't deal with anything right now. Hopefully school will help me deal with my emotions. 

Suddenly I remember the crunch I heard outside of the cave, it had been another vampire, but who? Who could have it possibly been? The vampire took off faster than lightning. I couldn't keep up and I  lost it's scent.

Jasper POV

GOD, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. Edwards feeling are so sad and suicidal. I even feel like killing my self. I need to I need to go hunting then I won't have to feel these feelings. I feel bad for him, the love of his life died. He should have turned her into a vampire, when he had a chance. 

I put my arm around my wife and asked, "Do you want to get out of here and go hunting darling?" She smiled and nodded. Alice and I left the house hand in hand. We ran up to Mount Olympic to hunt.

Alice Pov

When Jasper and I were hunting, I got a vision. It was of a girl with a real shiny grey hair with a pink stripe in it. She was new to the school, but one thing that seemed strange was that she knew my name. Then I saw her and Edward kissing in a closet.

Jasper looked at me with a funny look on his face. I state, "I had a weird vision." We continued on our hunt.

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