True Identity Revealed And More

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Bella's POV

I have been keeping tabs on Alice's mind all morning, she never had the same vision I had. All of the Cullen's will be in for a surprise today. In one hour from now the whole student body will know my secret and the Cullen's. Edward keeps glancing at me and it's getting on my nerves. If he does it one more time I'm going to slap him on the back of his head. I smacked him on the head and say, "Stop glancing at me or I'll smack you on the back of the head again." He replied, "yes ma'am."

An hour later the bell rang, dismissing everyone for lunch. I mentally groaned because I knew what I was going to happen next. With in a few minutes I was at the cafeteria with all the Cullen's. I grabbed a tray of food and sat next to Edward. I ate my food in a hurry and dumped my tray.

I took a look back at Jasper, Alice, and lastly Edward. I quickly jumped on an unoccupied table and said, "Everyone can I have your attention! I'm not who you think I am, my name is not Alicia Swan, my real name is Bella Swan." I grabbed my wig and tossed it to the ground, I looked out the window just as the sun touched my skin. I put my shield just as Edward tried to knock me off the table. I turned to Edward and said, "This had to happen Edward, I saw it." The sunlight reached the rest of the Cullen's, their skin began to shine like diamonds. Mike Newton yelled his question at me and the Cullen's, "What are you guys?" I replied to him in a light tone, "I am a Vampire." Another person asked, "Are you going to drink our blood?" I replied, "No, you're not on our diet." One yelled, "I thought vampire drank human blood." I responded, "Most of them do but I drink animal blood, your town will be safe from the human drinkers."

I waited a few minutes for the information to sink in with everyone, before I said, "No one can know we are vampires. If other people find out, it can mean danger for the whole town. The whole town could get wiped out."

I jumped off the table and grabbed my wig off the floor. I walked over to Edward and plant a kiss on his lips, but he remains motionless. I looked into his eyes and saw he was angry at me. I told him, "I'm sorry this had to happen, but it had to. " He asked, "But why?" I told him, "I had the feeling it had to happen, I just don't know why." 

I ran out of the cafeteria and into the woods heading to my favorite place, the meadow. Within a few seconds I reached the meadow and howled for the wolves. Only Jacob approached me, he was in his human form. He asked, "Is there anything wrong Bella?" I blurted out, "The whole student body knows that me and the Cullen's are vampires." My skin was shining like diamonds, Jacob just stared at me.

Suddenly he lunged at me, his lips smashed against mine. I knew someday this would happen and I knew I was going to brake his heart. I said, "No Jacob." I pushed him off me and jumped on a tree and raced to the top. Why did he have to do this to me, I'm engaged to Edward. I sat down on the tree limb and let the hours passed by.

Edward's POV

I could sense Jacob's emotions, he had kissed my Bella. She had rejected him, I heard her push him off of her. Jacob rushed away in the direction towards La push. I headed back to the school to let Bella be alone for awhile.

After school was over I noticed Bella wasn't by my car. I headed back to the meadow and climbed the tree I saw her jump on. I climbed all the way to the top and asked, "Are you alright Bella? She said, "I'm so sorry Edward." I asked, "For kissing Jacob or for what happened at the school?" Bella replied, "For both." I pull Bella into my arms and held her for an half an hour.


Bella's POV

I was preparing Charlie's dinner when he asked me, "Did anything fun happen today at school?" I turned around and faced dad saying, "The whole student body knows who I am and that me and the Cullen's are VAMPIRES. Also Jacob forced a kiss on me."

The Cullen's are not going to be very happy with me.


Edward's POV

Bella was with her father, while my family was having a meeting. Carlisle usually never got angry, but he was pissed. He yelled at Alice, "I want to know what happened at school today and you better tell me now!" Alice took a deep breathe before saying, "The student body know our secret." Carlisle yelled, "How in the hell did this happen?!" Alice replied, "It was Bella, she revealed herself and the sun came out and touched her skin." He asked her more calmly, "Did you see this happening?" Alice replied, "I never saw this coming."

I spoke up saying, "Bella saw it was going to happen, she said it needed to happen, I think Bella is a true Clairvoyant." Carlisle said, "We better hope the Volturi never finds out about this or we all would end up dead."

Somewhere a member of the volturi clan could be nearby, waiting for one of their kind to do something wrong. They will strike faster than lightning and that vampire will be killed if they hold no power at all. Only one vampire can protect them from the Volturi, her name is Bella Swan.

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