The After Effect

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Jasper's POV

I couldn't believe I just tried to harm my dear Alice. What has come over me, I'm becoming a monster again. Why is this happening to me. I saw the fear in her eyes, when I had my hand around her neck. I let  her go and I ran as fast as I could. I could tell she was following, but I kept on running.

Less than an hour later, I crossed the Canada border. Alice wasn't that far behind me, but she still kept  a distance between us. She was scared I would hurt her. I couldn't blame her after all I did try to hurt her. 

I was heading towards a coven in Alaska that was just like the Cullens, they only drank animal blood. I stop fifty feet from the house and waited for Alice to catch up. She stopped and left ten yards between us. I felt like crying. I never wanted this to happen in the first place, I never wanted to hurt her. 

I walked slowly towards her, she started to take a few steps backwards, she thought I was going to kill her. I told her, "Alice, I love you. I never meant to hurt you. You scared me when you came up behind me and I didn't know it was you. I promise I won't hurt you." She took a few steps toward me and then practically jumped on me, She hugged and kissed me; I thought she was never going to let me go. This thought made me want to smile.

A few days later

Bella's POV

Jasper has been gone for three days now, but I didn't really care if he ever showed up again. He threatened my life and my dads. I didn't know if I could ever be able to trust him ever again. 

Suddenly I heard Jacob ask Edward, "Where did those two bloodsuckers.... I mean vampires go to after he tried to attack us? Edward replied, "They went to stay with another coven like us Cullens in Alaska." Then Jacob asked, "Do you know when they will be coming back?" I could sense there was a hint of anger when he asked this. Edward finally answered, "I have no clue when they will come back, I don't care if he even comes back." I spoke out loud saying, "Ditto!" Jacob's laughter echoed through the house, he thought this was funny. I yelled at him, "Don't make come in there!" He yelled back, "You don't scare me, Bella!" They walked into the living room and both of them gave me the look. I asked them, "Why are both of you staring at me for?" Jacob spoke first, "We got caught up in your beauty." Edward let out a low growl sending Jacob a warning that he should watch himself. It only made Jacob chuckle.

I spoke quickly to both of them, "Just knock it off the both of you."  They turned to look at me and in unison said, "Sorry Bella, We'll behave." I replied to them, "thank you." 

Suddenly Edward sat on next to me on the couch and took my hand in his. He told me, "Everything is going to be alright Bella." I looked in his eyes and said, "I don't know about that. He went crazy on us, he's dangerous. I don't think I will be able to trust him ever again." I hate this, why did this have to happen in the first place. 

Jacob's POV 

Bella looked at me when I said, "We don't know if he is planning something. Someone should be watching him, his every move. We need to know if he is going to attack us. I would never trust that filthy bloodsucker!"

Suddenly out of nowhere Bella said, "I agree with you on this one Jake." I spoke again, "We can't trust that Alice to give us the information we need; she is his mate and might not tell us what he might have planned for us." Edward asked, "Who will spy on him then?" I replied, "It has to be you." Edward asked, "And why does it specificly have to be me?" I told him, "you're the one who will be able to get close enough to him, without him knowing you're near. You can read his mind and will be able to see if he is planning an attack."

Edward's POV

Thay werewolf wanted me to go to Alaska to see If I could find anything that would tell us that he was going to attack. But before I could say anything, Bella spoke, "I think you should do this, I need to know for myself. Please, do this for me. I'm begging you." How could I say no to her? That was never going to happen. I told her, "I would do anything for you, you know that I could never say no to you. So, my answer to you is yes."

Then Jacob said, "I think you should check on him once a day." I just nodded head in response as a yes.Then I told both of them, "I'll start tonight, I will be back in a couple of hours." I gave Bella a light kiss on the lips and ran out of the house.

It took me over an hour to be reach a range that I could here his thought clearly and Alice's as well. Jasper thoughts were saying, "Bella will never trust me again. I hate all of this, what is wrong with me. She doesn't deserve this. Worst of all Edward probably hates me and will probably will never trust me again."

Suddenly I heard Alice gasp as she had a vision. It was of me spying on them. Shit, I didn't think this would happen. Now, I was going to be in trouble.

Jasper asked her, "What did you see Alice?" She replied, "We are going home in over a week that's what I saw."

Alice's POV

I thought at Edward, "we are going to talk about this when I get back." 

He should know better than to listen into my man's thoughts. I turned to Jasper and started to kiss him. I wanted to collect my revenge and was going to do so tonight. I wasn't going to hurt him. I was going have S?x with him. Whether he liked or not. He would like it of course.

Well here is this chapter you requested. I will upload a new chapter when I reach 160 reads. Please leave a comment to tell if you like my story or not.

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