Secrets About Vampires

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Bella's POV

Edward and I had been at my mother's house for a few days now, today was an unusual day in Florida because the sun was hiding behind the clouds. My mother and I were on the deck lounging on the chairs, we were just watching the ocean as the waves hit the shore. My mother hadn't said anything about my ring yet, I wonder if she hadn't noticed or was just waiting for the right moment. She smiled at me occasionally but didn't say a word, I knew she had something on her mind and I wanted to know what it was, but I was going to wait for her to tell me first.

My mother suddenly asked, "So, can you explain the whole thing to me?" I asked her, "What are you talking about mom." She stated, "I was wondering if you could tell me more about vampire. " I replied, "Oh, you're curious about the whole thing." I looked back at Edward and he just shrugged his shoulders, he wasn't being any help at all. I sighed and irritation and looked back at the ocean, I didn't know if I should tell her or not. I didn't think it would really matter if I told her or not, I couldn't be punished by the Volturi because they were already dead. 

I turned back to my mother after deciding it for a second and said, "I guess I can tell you, only if you promise to keep this information I give you a secret." She told me, "I promise I won't tell anyone what you tell about this, Bella. You can trust me." I asked her, "What do you want to know about vampires first? She thought it over for a moment and said, "How about the transition of becoming a vampire, I think that would be interesting to hear." I would of predicted she wanted to hear about that, everyone at school wanted to know that too. All I told them was that it was as painful as hell, no one asked any questions after that. 

After a few seconds I told her, "It's nothing like the Dracula movies or books, if a vampire drinks until the humans blood is gone they will be dead, they won't change into a vampire that way. Well, how it really works is that a vampire injects a human with it venom, then the venom will spread through the humans body and within about three days the human will have become a vampire. My mother asked, "Does it hurt?" I replied, "I experienced it twice, it hurts worse than any other kind of pain anyone could ever feel." 

My mother looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean you experienced this twice?" I sighed and said, "Well, in March I got attacked by a vampire and Edward had to suck the venom out, I woke up in the house." Then she asked, "So, you didn't fall down two flights of stairs and went through a mirror?" I answered, "No, but the cover story worked because it sounded like something I would do." I looked back over at Edward to see him staring intently at me, I smiled at him before turning around to look at my mother.

She asked after a few seconds, "What else is there to know about vampire? Oh, can they have babies?" I replied, "I don't think it's possible, I haven't got pregnant." Then she asked me, "Is Edward good in bed?" I looked back over at Edward and saw he was laughing, I told her, "Edward just found that amusing." She turned read in face and said, "He heard that?" I replied with a light chuckle, "He sure did." Then I said, "Vampires have excellent hearing and can hear a whisper a mile away, we can run fast and have super strength." 

Then she asked after a moment, "What else?" I replied, "Well, there are two kinds of vampires; one kind has red eyes and drink human blood, the other kind has yellow eyes and drink animal blood. Oh, actually there's a rare kind called Angelic vampires, I'm one of them. When I was newly transformed I had yellow eyes, I never possessed red eyes. I have multiple gifts or powers, I'm a little different from other vampires. Our kind use to have vampires who ruled over our kind, but they don't exist anymore." 

Suddenly Edward said, "Bella!", in a panicky voice. I told him ashamed, "I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't of told her that." He said, "Bella, I'm not made about that, besides they don't rule over us anymore." I asked concern, "Why are you panicking then?" He responded, "I just got a text from Alice, she told me something Carlisle has discovered." I asked, "What has he discovered." He said, "Well, he found out something unbelievable or so unimaginable about angelic vampires." I shouted at him, "Just tell me what he discovered!" He informed me, "Angelic vampires are able to get pregnant."  

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