The Delani's Visit

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One Week Later

Bella's POV

I was suddenly pulled into a vision, I quickly faded from reality. Everyone was in the living room, when there was a knock on the door. Carlisle and Esme approached the door and greeted a coven consisting of five members who all possess golden-brown eyes. I could tell Edward was nervous, but I didn't know why. He pulled me closer to him as he kept his eyes on one of the female vampires with Blond hair, then Carlisle introduced me to them as Edward's mate....

Edward asked as I came out the vision, "What did you see, Bella?" Before I could answer Alice shouted out loud, "The Delani coven is coming here to in three hours for a visit." I said to Edward, "I guess she just answered your question for me." He said, "They're our cousin coven, they feed off of animals too." I replied, "I know Edward, I saw that they had golden-brown eyes."

Edward's POV

Three hours later we were all gathered in the living room, when we heard someone knocking on our front door. Esme got off of the couch and headed to the front door to answer it, Carlisle opened it reveal the Delani Coven. I pulled Bella closer to my side as I spot Tanya, she noticed how I was hold my Bella and she was beginning to wonder why. I kept a close eye on her, I wasn't going to let her get her hands on my Bella.

Carlisle invited them in and enter the living to going the rest of the family, I caught Kate staring at Bella and then a smile spread across her face when realized Bella was my mate. Carlisle pointed at my Bella and said, "I would like to introduce you to Bella Swan, she's Edward's mate." Tanya snarled at Bella, which caused Bella to get in a protective crouch in front of me.

Tanya's POV

I just went berserk when I found out this plain looking vampire was Edward's mate, I wanted him to be mine instead of hers. I growled at her and she quickly got in front of Edward in a protective stance, I was going to get my hands around her head and snap it off. Edward was the one to growl out at me as a warning, which I ignored easily. She said through clenched teeth, "Edward is mine and mine only, you will never possess him the way you like." I replied in a sneer, "Oh, I believe he will become mine, it's just a matter of time. Eddie boy will be mine." She growled out, "Don't you ever call him that! He hates it you stupid Bitch!"

Bella's POV

Just after I call her a bitch she lunges at me, but I quickly get my hand wrapped around her. Another member of the coven with blonde hair comes at me, she just places her hand on my arm and I stare at her in confusion. She said, "It's not working, why isn't it working." I feel some thing weird pulse throught me, but it isn't pain.

Then a second later electric current covers my whole body, which makes both of them groan in pain because of it. I saw out of the corner of my eye the only male of the coven studying me close, he was intrigue about what I was able to do. I shoved both of them away and stop shooting electric current all over my body, then I put a shield around Edward and me.

The male member of the coven steps forward and says, "I'm Eleazar and this beatiful woman next to me is my mate Carmen." I said, "It's nice to meet you both, at least you two haven't tried to attack me. It's not a very good idea to attack me, some vampires have found that out the hard way." Eleazar replied with an amused smile, "I can see that, you possess more than one gift." I replied with a smirk, "I actually process quite a few." Then he asked, "What gifts do you possess?" I responded, "I have a mental and physical shield, read minds, see the future, crush things with my mind, and apparently cause pain with an electric current."

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