The End of Mathew Keltings And Maria

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Bella's POV

Charlie was reading the newspaper and started saying out loud, "Five people were found dead in Seattle yesterday, they had bite marks on their necks and their blood was drained from their bodies." Edward said, "It probably was that Mathew Keltings." I said, "We are going to have to track them down, we don't want the Volturi to come." I walked outside and looked around for Jacob, he was standing with Embry. I told him, "Mathew Keltings might be killing people in Seattle. We need to find him and Maria soon, before they start to kill more people." Jacob replied, "How do you know he's killing people in Seattle." I told him, "I'll show you if you come in the house."

He followed me into the house and headed straight for the kitchen. I asked Charlie, "Dad, can you please read the head line again?" Charlie replied, "of course dear." Then he began saying, "Five people were found dead in Seattle yesterday, they had bite marks on their necks and their blood was drained from their bodies." When Charlie finished, I turned back to Jake and asked him, "Doesn't that sound like a vampire attack?" He replied, "Yes, it does." Then I told him, "I'm going to ask Carlisle if the clan will help me find her and Mathew tonight. Then they will be destroyed once and for all." Jacob said, "Okay, I'll ask Sam if he will let us help you." I smiled at him and said, "Okay, I'll see you later then." He just nodded his head and left without saying another word.

Edward was standing behind me and said, "We need to get ready for school, it starts in an half an hour." Me and Edward headed up the stairs to my room, we changed into different clothes and brushed our hair. We grabbed our backpacks and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. I told Charlie, "I won't be able to cook you supper tonight, I'm going vampire hunting." Edward chimed in by saying, "We both are."

Fifteen minutes later we were at school, Edward walked me to my first class and then headed to class. When I saw Alice she had a blank look on her face, a few people were staring at her. I asked Alice in a whisper when she was out of the trance, "What did you see Alice?" She whispered back to me, "I see our clan hunting down Maria and Mathew, then everything goes blank." I told her in a whisper, "It probably just means the wolves are going to help us in the hunt." Then I went to sit down in my seat and wait for class to begin.

Mathew Keltings is my number one enemy on my list. He harassed me the last few weeks of my Junior year, about the time James almost ended my life as a human. Only a week into summer break, I was kidnapped by Victoria and turned into a vampire. My life had changed so much when I met the Cullen's. Most of it was for the good, but not all of it was. Now I live the life of a vampire, an immortal being who will never age or die; not by a human anyway. At least I will be able to spend an eternity with Edward, without him I don't know how I would make it through life.

A few hours later me, Edward, Alice and Jasper were in the cafeteria sitting at our usual table. Edward was unusually quiet and so was Alice. I asked Edward, "Is anything wrong Edward?" He replied, "No, why do you ask?" I responded, "You just seem unusually silent." He told me, "There is nothing to worry darling." I replied, "okay honey." I actually ate all of my food, the venom in my body will have it burnt up in no time. I pushed my tray away from me. I wasn't going to go outside by myself until Mathew is dead. I could sense Jasper was trying to calm them down with his gift. I wondered to myself If I could put up an invisible shield to hear their thoughts. I tried it and lifted my shield past me, I couldn't see my shield, but I could hear all of their thoughts. Alice thought, "Maria is going to try to kill my Jasper. I don't want to lose him." I turned my focus onto Jasper, "Alice won't tell me about her vision, she is making me worried." Then I focused on Edward's thoughts, "He is going to try to kill my Bella, I won't let that happen. I love her so much." I dropped my shield again and told Edward, "I'll be ok Edward, I promise." He got a confused look on his face, I just smiled at him and put my hand on his arm. I then looked over at Alice and told her, "Everything is going to be alright, there's nothing to worry about. Now stop it you two."

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