Fighting The Volturi

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Bella's POV

The Volturi would be here tomorrow, hopefully they would be destroyed and the town's people would be safe. If we failed, a lot of people would die tomorrow. I wasn't going to let it happen, my dad's life would be in great danger. Charlie was going to spend the whole day at the reservation, Leah and Seth would stay there to protect the reservation.

Edward asked, “What's wrong Bella?” I replied, “I'm just worried about Charlie, I just hope we won't fail tomorrow; a lot of lives will be ended if we happen to fail.” Edward reassured me, “We won't fail, you have a gift that can keep all of us protected. You could crush them just with your mind, you are like an angelic vampire. With your gifts the Volturi will be extinct tomorrow.” Edward was right, there was no way the Volturi would be able to survive tomorrow.

Charlie's POV

Bella urged me to spend the whole day at the reservation for a reason she couldn't tell me. She had said, “Trust me dad, It's safer for you to be at the reservation tomorrow.” I headed to my police cruiser and headed to Billy's house at the reservation. I was going to listen to Bella, since she became a vampire after all.

Edward's POV

Bella was worried we would lose the fight, but we weren't going to. With the powers Bella possesses, we will be able to end the Volturi forever. The fight would take place within three hours, we were going to fight them in our field. Emmett's mind, 'Let's kill those royal vamp's already! They're a pain in all our asses.' Bella said, “Will you tell him to shut up? Or I'm going in his room to kick his ass.” I left the room to speak with Emmett, I knocked on his door. Emmett said, “Come in Edward.” I walked into his room and asked, “Will you please calm down your thoughts? Bella is already anxious the way it is now.” Emmett replied, “No problem bro.” I left his room and headed back to Bella, my love was now on the balcony outside.

Bella turned around to face me and said, “I'm sorry I caused your family so much problems, I didn't mean for this to happen.” I replied, “This isn't your fault Bella. Now stop blaming yourself; this had to happen, you said so yourself.” She said, “I know what I said, but now I think it was a mistake.” I said, “Nothing you do is a mistake, you have a gift of knowing right from wrong; you always do what's right. Now stop worrying, your emotions are making Jasper crazy.”

Bella's POV

The fight with the Volturi will begin in less than fifteen minutes, I hope Edward was right about us winning the battle. As every minutes passed by, my confidence grew stronger and strong; we were going to win this battle. Alice said, “The Volturi will be here in three minutes. The wolves will arrive about a minute. Bella will lead us into battle, she will put the blame on herself. She will state all of her gifts, the last one very menacing.”

The Volturi entered the field, they headed towards us. We all were ready for what was going to happen next, the ending was coming soon. A vampire named Jane said, "All of you Cullen's are going to die Today." I spoke up and said, "I'm not one of the Cullen's, I'm a Swan. It's not there fault that the humans found out about vampires, It's mine." Aro tried to approach me , I put my shield up and said, "Don't come any closer to us, I have more than one gift." Aro curiously asked, "What are your gifts Bella?" When he said my name, he caught me off guard. I took an unneeded breathe and said, "I have a physical shield and a mental shield, see the future, and I could easily crush you with my mind." At the end of my statement the wolves enter the field, a smile spreads across my face as I say, "Our back up has arrived." Aro and the rest of the Volturi started to back away from us.

I quickly said to them, “None of you are going anywhere, today is the day all of you die.” I attacked the one named Aro first, I watched him crumple like stone. Everyone of us started to attack the rest of the Volturi, I killed Jane and Alex with my power with crushing them with my mind; their powers wouldn't work on me. Emmett had ended the one named Felix, the one with the strength of power. The wolves helped out a lot, they killed a few of the Volturi as well. The Volturi clan ended today, their rein of terror ended forever. We piled the bodies together and set them on fire, all of us headed back to the Cullen's mansion.

The Volturi are gone forever, but there many be trouble on the horizon. What will happen if the vampires around the world find out the Volturi are dead? Will there be war around the world over hunting territory? What will happen next is the question.

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