He's Back With Vengeance

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Alice's POV

Bella and Edward still haven't set the date yet, I'm going to ask them if they would like to have the wedding here. We have been back for a few days now and Charlie's protection has been called off for now. The tribe from La push has still been patrolling outside around Charlie's house when they sense vampires are in the area. It is better to be safe than sorry.

All of a sudden, Jasper said, "Time to get ready for school my darling." Then he kissed me softly and passionately on the lips. Then after the kiss ended I replied, "Okay honey." We went into the bathroom to wash up before we got dressed.

Mathew Keltings POV

I got out of Jail a few days ago, I'll be returning to school today. I'll get to see my beautiful Alicia Swan and take me vengeance today. She will be mine soon. 

Bella's POV

Edward walked me to my first hour class and then he headed to his first class of the day. I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned around and saw Mathew Kelting. I just wanted to rip his head off. He didn't say anything to me, he just had an evil grin on his face. He still started at me which made me feel really creeped out. I turned around to face the front, I wasn't going to look back for the rest of the hour.

A few minutes later the teacher began, "I would like every one of you to write a short story on either vampires or something, paranormal, werewolves, or something else supernatural. You will have until Wednesday to complete the assignment. You will have time to work on it in class today and tomorrow. You may now get started."

A few hours later me, Edward, Alice, and Jasper were in the cafeteria at our table. We were only taking a few bites of our food. I finished quickly and said to Edward, "I'll see you later." I got up to throw the rest of my food away and headed outside. I walked up near the tree line, taking in the scenery. A few moments later and was dragged into the woods.

An hour later we were in the meadow, the person who had drag me out here was Mathew Keltings. He had a tight grip on my arm and had a mean sneer on his face. He said, "You'll be mine for the rest fo eternity." I asked him sarcasticly, "why are you an immortal?" He replied, "Don't take that tone with me." Then he slapped me across the face, he screamed in pain because he broke his hand. I told him, "You can't hurt me, you're not strong enough. Your just a low life and you always will be. You're lucky I don't kill you right here right now, no one would here it. Well, maybe the wolves will, but I don't know if they would stop me." He said, "There isn't any wolves around here." I replied, "Oh yes there is." 

Then I said, "You don't know who I really am and know you will find out." As I took off my wig I said, "I'm Bella Swan." Then he lunged at me, I threw him across the meadow. I heard his leg break and he screamed in pain.

Suddenly I heard a growl come from behind the trees, then the wolves appear. I told them, "That human has been pestering me since I came back to school and I'm sick of it. What am I suppose to do to get that fucker to leave me the hell alone?" I brought them into my shield to hear there thoughts. Sam said, "Leave here and go back to the school. We'll take the little bastard to the hospital." I just nodded my head, I grabbed my wig and ran at vampire speed back to the school. 

I waited until six hour was over with until I went inside the school. Edward was already waiting for me in class, I sat next to him. I whispered to him, "I need to speak to you after class, We can't talk about it in front of people..He whispered, "Okay my darling." Then class began.

 After class me and Edward left hand in hand and walked to his car. He opened the door for me to get in and he got into the drivers seat. We took off to Charlie's house. When we got their, I took him straight to the living room and we sat on the couch.

I began saying, "Mathew Keltings dragged me to the meadow. He slapped me across the face and broke his hand. Then I started to taunted him and later I revealed my true identity to him. He lunged at me and I threw him across the meadow, he broke his leg. If the wolves wouldn't have come, I probably would have killed the bastard today. They took him to the hospital." I saw anger flash through his eyes. He said, "That asshole has been bothering you again. When will this ever end. This needs to stop." I told him, "I know, but what can we do about it. He is seriously disturb." 

Mathew Keltings POV

A few hours later, I woke up in the hospital. My right hand and my left leg is broken. All I remember was being in the meadow with my beatiful Alicia, wait she reveal she was actually Bella Swan. I will use this to my advantage. Soon I will have her all to myself.

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