Wedding Day

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Bella's POV

In just a few moments, I will see Edward waiting down at the end of the aisle. I wanted to cry tears of joy at this moment, but I couldn't because I'm a vampire. My father would be walking me down the aisle, he would get the pleasure of handing me off to Edward. We would get to enjoy or honeymoon for awhile, but when I develop a baby-bump we would head back here. We didn't know how the pregnancy would go because they've never done this before. 

Alice suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts by saying, "It's time, Bella." I sighed and said, "I'm ready, lets do this." My father looped his arm through mine and lead me outside, the Cullen's had spread fake snow over the ground to make it look more like Christmas time.  It was an overcast day and not a ray of sunshine in sight, but I believed what the Cullen's did to the backyard was so beautiful and elegant.

When I reached the aisle I saw Edward in his tuxedo, I stopped walking and stared at him in awe. He looked so breathtaking, he just looked so damn good in his completely white tuxedo. I start walking towards him again with Charlie leading me down the aisle, I wanted to be beside him so bad I thought it was going to drive me crazy.

Charlie handed me over to Edward, but I heard Charlie whisper to Edward, "Be good to my daughter." I gave my father a weird look as he walked away, my father had completely caught me off guard by saying that to him. Edward grabbed my hand and we took a step towards Billy who was going to be our priest, he gave us a small smile.

After a few seconds he took a deep breath and asked, "Would you like to do your vows?" Edward quickly said, "I'll go first." Billy nodded his head and I looked up at Edward, I could see the love in his eyes. Edward began saying, "My dear sweet Bella, I have loved you since the moment I saw you. I know it didn't look that way, you thought I hated you. I was confused by why I was so drawn to you, your scent was so mouthwatering. The moment our skin made contact was the most happiest day of my life, I knew I had found my mate...the woman I was suppose to spend the rest of eternity. I love you, Bella. I will never stop loving you."

What Edward said had ignited something inside of me, but I was able to control myself and not sensually attack him in front of everyone here. Billy turned to me and said, "Bella, would you please say your vows." I replied, "Yes, certainly." I cleared my throat and began saying, "I vow to never lie and cheat, I will promise to never do anything that will break your heart. I promise to never love anyone more than I love you, except for our child we may have in the future. I had missed you so much, when Victoria had tore us apart and turned me into what I am angelic vampire. I promise to never spend a day away from you, if I did I would absolute go insane. I promise to love you for the rest of our eternity."

Billy smiled and said, "Well, those are words clearly spoken from the heart, but I must ask if anyone objects before continuing. Does anyone object to Bella Swan marrying Edward Cullen? If not you may forever hold your peace." The ceremony had been going smoothly, but someone just had to object and I just wanted to rip their head off.

Jacob yelled suddenly, "I object to this whole thing! I love you, Bella! You should be with me and not some leech! I have warmth and he's ice cold! Don't marry him! Be with me! I can make you happy more than he ever could! I..."

I snarled at him, "Enough Jacob! I want you out of here! I don't love you! I never loved you! I'm not the one you're suppose to be with! Just go! Before I do something I might regret!" I watched him as he ran off, before I turned back to Edward. He rubbed soothing circles on top of my hands with his thumbs, his touch alone seemed to help me calm down.

Billy said, "Well, if no one objects we can continue." He waited few seconds and everyone remained silent, I was glad none of the guests objected. Billy continued, "Can we have the rings?" Jasper came up with the rings, then he went to take his seat again. Billy handed Edward my ring and said, "Now Edward, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed." Edward repeated with a grin, "With this ring, I thee wed," then he slipped on my finger. Billy turned to me and said, "Now Bella, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed." I looked up at Edward with a smile and repeated, "With this ring, I thee wed." Bill then said, "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Edward didn't waist one second and kissed me quickly, I just melted into the kiss and became overwhelmed by his passion. We pulled apart after a minute and slowly headed down the aisle, we headed inside the house because Alice had decided to have the reception their. Everyone gathered into the living room and their was plenty room, Edward and I took our seat at the assigned table. A few of our guests came up to us and congratulated us, but I think the others were just to scared to come up to us because they knew we were vampires.

Edward's POV

Our reception was going great, I was finally married to the beautiful woman I love. I couldn't wait to bring Bella to Esme's Isle, we were going to have a lot of fun on our honeymoon. Bella had no idea where we were going to go for our honeymoon, I had kept it secret because I wanted it to be a surprise. I just wondered how she would like it.

When the time came for speeches Alice was the first one to speak, I immediately knew hers would be one of the interesting ones. Alice began, "Bella, I must say something about the first night of marriage, you're going to have a lot of fun and I'm sure you know what I mean. Now Edward, you better give Bella your best because you know she deserves." Laughter broke out throughout the living room.

Then Alice said, "I have known Edward for almost a hundred years, he has a gift you might say...he would block out our thought when we would get down to business, but he never had to block out Bella's...he never knew what she was thinking. He always would say Bella was an open book, well you can say he was right. You could tell what she was thinking by just looking at her, I knew the moment when she figured out what we were...I saw that look on her face. I knew it wouldn't matter to Bella that Edward was a vampire because I could see Bella was already deeply in love with Edward."

She paused before saying, "I had secretly saw Bella coming into our lives and never told anyone, she had come when she was needed the most. Edward had been depressed and going through a dark time, but Bella coming to Forks had changed that. The moment I knew Bella and Edward belonged together was when she had gone missing for a couple months, he had missed so much and it broke all of our hearts. I knew in my heart Bella was alive and she would come back to us. Well, I hope you too have a wonderful life together for forever."

Jasper gave his speak next and it was short, he was always a man of few words. Emmett was the next one after Jasper, he shared a few funny stories and made everyone laugh. Rose shared how much she didn't like Bella at first, but she also told how much Bella has brought happiness into our lives. Carlisle and Esme gave their speak together, both saying that Bella was now officially part of the family.

When Charlie grabbed the microphone I let out a laugh, I already knew what he was going to say. Charlie began, "There's something I have to admit, I didn't like Edward the first time I met him. I know Bella would make the right choice for herself, she always has and always will. I hope you too have a happy life together. Now, remember this Edward, if you ever break my daughter heart, I'll come after you with a shot gun. I know it won't hurt you, but I'm going to do it just for the fun of it." I looked over at Bella as she roared out in laughter, the idea of her father trying to shoot me was hilarious.

Everyone else that wanted to give speeches did, but I just wished a few from Forks High would have kept their mouths shut. I had been offended by Mike Newton and Tyler's whose last name I don't even remember, I guess he wasn't that important to me anyway. They said vulgar things about my wife, she wasn't happy about them either.

After the speeches were over with Alice put on some music, I pulled Bella with me and we danced. Bella danced with her father for once dance, Alice had wanted her to have her father and daughter dance. The dancing went on for a while, then people started heading home because snow was starting to come down.

Alice took Bella away from me to get her ready for our flight, which would be departing to Rio de Janiero in just a few hours. I went to get out of my tuxedo and put some casual clothes on, then I went back to the living room. When Bella came down the stairs I gaped in awe, she just looked so breathtaking. I couldn't keep myself from smiling as we waved goodbye to everyone, we got into my silver Volvo and took off. Tonight we would begin our honeymoon, I just could wait for us to reach Esme's Isle and spend the night making love with my beautiful goddess.

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