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Bella POV

I drove Charlie's patrol car with the sirens on all the way to the hospital. When we reached the hospital he was hardly breathing. I carried him inside, I walked up to the desk and said, "he needs to see a doctor fast." She called over the intercom, "Dr. Cullen please come to the front desk imediately." Within thirty seconds he showed up." He looked at me and his eyes widened. He escorted me to an Emergency room. I laid charlie on the bed.

Suddenly Carlisle asked, "What happened to him?" I replied, "a damn red eyed vampire attacked him. I caught the scent of the vampire, when I was reading in my room. Before I could stop the damn thing he bit charlie on the neck. I killed the god damn thing. I drrank charlie's blood until the venom was gone. I guess the venom spreaded through his body too much before I started." He justed nodded and called on the intercom, "We need a blood transfusion In ER 13. Blood type AB positive and pronto this is a life and death situation."

I left the room to call Billy, I walked outside and dialed his number. I took three rings before he answered in a tired voice, "Hello." I spoke, "Billy this is Bella , Charlie is in the hospital. Can you get here soon?" Billy replied, "Ok, I'll be there in ten minutes."

When Billy arrived, he asked, "What happened to him and why do you have blood on your face?" I told him, "Charlie was attacked by a red eyed vampire tonight. The vampire bit Charlie on the neck, before I could stop it. I killed the damn thing of course. I drank out the tainted blood. I stopped when it was clean." Billy asked, "then what's wrong with him?" I responded, "He lost a lot of blood, he's getting a blood transfusion."

We walked to the waiting room and waited. When Carlisle walked into the waiting room he stiffened a little, before coming over to us. He only looked at me and said, "Charlie's going to be fine, his body isn't rejecting the blood." I asked him, "Can I see him?" He replied, "yes, you can and he's awake, he wants to know what happened. You can't tell him the truth." I told Carlisle, "He already knows that vampires. " Carlisle turned to look at Billy, I continued, "I told him a few days ago, he knows I'm a vampire too and your family as well." He looked at me and asked, "why did you do this?" I replied, "He asked if the Cullens were vampires and I said yes. He noticed I had the same eye color as you guys."

Charlie POV

When I  woke up I was in the hospital, I had no clue what happened to me. Within ten minutes Bella and Billy walked into the room. I asked her, "Bella, what happened to me?" She replied, "you were attacked by a vampire, a red eyed one. It bit you before I could stop it. I killed the god damn thing before it could attack you again. I had to drink the venom out of you." I told her, "I don't understand." Then she responded, "If I didn't drink the venom out of you, you would have become a vampire like me. I saved you the torture. You'll have a permanent bite mark on your neck like this." She showed me her, it sent chills down my spine.

That's when I fell asleep. I was so tired.

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