Chapter 4

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Sex was confusing. 

Jungkook never understood why people craved sex, craved intimacy, someone to touch, someone to fuck, the sweat, the musk, the heat- he never understood it.

Of course, Jungkook was 17 years old. He had needs, like every other boy his age. He often heard 'locker room' talk from the other boys. It was weird, Jungkook never contributed much to it. Every now and then (when Jimin wasn't there) Jungkook would lock himself in the bathroom and jack off in the shower, biting his hand and whimpering into it as he bucked his fist around his member.

But the way the boys talk about it- sex was everything. Hoseok talked about how fun it was to finger some girl from his math class, Yoongi talked about how fun it was to eat out some girl from his chemistry class, Namjoon talked about how fun it was to fuck some girl from his literature class and Jimin talked about how fun it was to have a girl sit on his face. Jin told them they were disgusting (but Jungkook knew he'd done the same with girls, if not worse). V -don't even get him started on V.

V had some sort of a sex appeal, something that got girls going. Visually, he was handsome. Anyone with eyes could see that- but just the way the boy walked and talked and had his way with people just had girls floored. Jungkook never understood why he constantly heard girls giggling about him, or why he always saw V taking girls in his dorm, or why he saw V with that girl against his locker.

But now he kind of gets it.

See, when you yourself have been touched all over with those big, big hands and have been cornered into a wall and fucked mercilessly - you kind of get it.

Jungkook gets the crave about sex now. He gets why it's so exciting. Why everyone was so fucking horny all the time.

But like... it's weird when you're not actually together.

Like, if they make eye contact, do they smirk or wink at each other or just look away and pretend like they weren't sucking on each other's neck the day before?

Jungkook ignored those thoughts and just got himself ready for class.

"What's first lesson?" Jimin asked, his blonde hair all messed up.

"Math." Jungkook mumbled in annoyance. 

"Nice." Jimin said and Jungkook rolled his eyes. Jimin was so fucking weird. Who the fuck actually enjoys math? Jungkook was dreading it.

Both the boys got ready and took their stuff and started walking towards their math class, when suddenly they heard a loud shout of their names. Both boys turned around and saw Hoseok and Yoongi walking towards them, with Hoseok grinning and Yoongi with an expressionless face, like always.

"Did you guys hear what happened?" Hoseok said and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Someone fucked in the boys locker room." He explained and Jungkook's eyebrows instantly shot up.

"W-what?" Jungkook squeaked out, eyes widened.

"Yeah. The cleaners found a used condom yesterday. The coach is pissed, but like no one knows who it is." Hoseok said and Jungkook gulped uneasily.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"I mean, we all have a fair idea of who could be stupid enough to get a girl into the boys locker room and leave a used condom on the floor." Yoongi said as they walked into the maths classroom.


Right on time, too. V was sitting at his chair, feet on the desk in front of him, smirking. All the students surrounded him and it just made Jungkook even more nervous.

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