Chapter 23

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"Where did you go?" A voice peered as Jungkook walked out of his English class. He looked up and saw Yugyeom.

"I-I just wanted to be alone for a bit, that's all." Jungkook said and Yugyeom smiled softly.

"I.. um.. wanted to say this before but... Congratulations. For-for coming out. I'm bisexual myself and I was really scared to come out until.. well, you did." Yugyeom said and Jungkook smiled at that.

"Really?" He asked and Yugyeom nodded with a hesitant smile.

A lot of things happened after that lunch period. Well, apart from having an emotional conversation with Taehyung which left him emotionally barren and soulless for the rest of the day.

People came up and congratulated him. Even teachers. Some said 'they knew' to which Jungkook was a little surprised but just smiled. Jimin and Jin bear hugged him until he almost passed out. He didn't see Namjoon, Hoseok, or Yoongi anywhere. But he's guessing their reactions wouldn't be the same.

Of course, some people looked at him weirdly. People were whispering to each other and giving him disgusted looks- which he ignored because, frankly, he had more important things to think about.

Like how Taehyung was practically in love with Eka. Jungkook had no clue the boy felt so strongly about her. It pissed him off, because there was a small part of him that hoped Taehyung was lying. But his words seemed genuine.

"I'll drop you to your dorm." Yugyeom said and Jungkook just hummed and both walked silently to Jungkook's dorm. Once they reached, Jungkook opened the door and found it vacant.

"Can I come in for a bit? Bami probably has some girl over." Yugyeom mumbled and Jungkook nodded- even though he kind of wanted to be alone right now.

Jungkook placed his books down on his table and sighed, sitting down on his bed.

"God, I made a complete fool of myself." Jungkook mumbled and Yugyeom sat down on the bed beside him.

"No you didn't- you were great! I wish I was that confident about coming out. You were so brace." Yugyeom said and Jungkook ignored how Yugyeom placed his hand on Jungkook's.

"I-I guess. I'm just scared to go to football practice.. the guys might say stuff." Jungkook said and then turned to Yugyeom and realized how close he was to him.

"I'm sure they won't, they're all your friends." Yugyeom said and Jungkook felt his breath hitch when Yugyeom's voice became softer and his eyes fell on Jungkook's lips.

"Yeah.." Jungkook started and then Yugyeom placed both his hands on Jungkook's waist.

"I'm here, okay?" Yugyeom whispered and Jungkook felt his cheeks redden at the close proximity. Jungkook just nodded and then Yugyeom leaned in closer.

"Y-Yugyeom-" Jungkook breathed out and Yugyeom just leaned in and pressed their lips together. Jungkook felt a little taken aback and placed his hands on Yugyeom's shoulders. His lips- his lips were soft, and plump, and warm against Jungkook's and-

They weren't Taehyung.

Jungkook tried kissing him further, tried to force himself to like this, to enjoy something that was different. That was new but he-he couldn't.

Jungkook pulled away, and when Yugyeom tried to lean in again, Jungkook moved back.

"I-I can't." Jungkook croaked out and Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows, looking worried. "I'm sorry. I just.. can't right now. I'm not in the right.. headspace- or-or whatever. I just- I've been really stressed, and-"

"You like V, don't you?" Yugyeom let out, looking at him falteringly.

Jungkook hesitated and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He started shaking his head.

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