Chapter 19

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Jungkook's heart collapsed in his chest and he could kind of hear shuffling from the other side of the door. He didn't know why he stood for a few minutes- but the moment he heard Eka's loud moan, he couldn't bear it.

Jungkook turned around, his mind filling with every possible somber thought as he rushed towards his room. He felt like crying. Crying and crying for hours and hours. He felt like falling onto the floor and weeping away his sorrows and regrets.

Every single thing. Every single thing they did. Every time Jungkook's heart skipped a beat, every time Jungkook's stomach fluttered. Every time he thought the other boy liked him back. Every time he thought the other boy felt the same way, felt the same connection, felt the same love. It was all bullshit.

All bullshit that Jungkook concocted in his fucking head. All fucking bullshit that he kept believing in. He really made himself believe that this-this stupid fucking fuckboy liked him back.

How could Jungkook be so stupid? He's STRAIGHT. Whatever happened to Jungkook's strict rule of 'don't fall for any guys here, they're all straight'. He knew he was going to get his heart broken, so honestly, why's he surprised? From V of all people- this was honestly surprising. And had probably happened to so many girls.

Jungkook just.. thought he was different. Special.

His plans of wanting to cry like a baby were ruined when he entered his room and saw three of his friends in his room. His glossy eyes scanned over Jimin, Jin and Namjoon, and he let out a small sigh. He suppressed his tears and gave them a small smile.

"Jungkook-ah!" Namjoon greeted when he saw him and Ji smiled at him. Jimin saw him and frowned upon seeing Jungkook look so pale and feeble.

"Hi." Jungkook squeaked out and Jin and Namjoon went back to talking about whatever they were discussing, sitting on Jimin's bed. Jimin got up from his bed and walked up to Jungkook.

"Hey.. you alright?" Jimin asked and Jungkook gulped hesitantly, turning away (so Jimin wouldn't see how his eyes were kind of teary) and fitting strewn clothes into his dresser.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Great. What-what're you guys up to?" Jungkook asked, his voice cracking slightly. Jimin frowned.

"Are you sure? What'd he say?" Jimin whispered quietly and Jungkook just turned to Jimin and gave him a smile that anyone could tell was fake.

"Nothing. It- um. We kind of- eh- ended things."

"What?!" Jimin snapped and they heard Jin question them from behind.

"We're talking about that new anime series Jin- What do you mean you ended things?" Jimin hissed to Jungkook.

"I mean," Jungkook whispered, closing his dresser door rather harshly. "We ended things. It's fine. It-it doesn't really matter, anyway. It- um- It's for the better." Jungkook said swiftly and Jimin frowned.

"Do you want to be alone for a bit?" Jimin asked and Jungkook bit down onto his lip.

"No! No no- I'd prefer company right now. I'm fine, Jimin. Really. Relax." Jungkook snickered, before walking over to his bed and plopping himself down.

Jimin sighed. He knew Jungkook was lying. He knew Jungkook was lying because for the rest of the day, Jungkook laughed at everything- more than needed. He kept smiling at Jimin, as if reassuring himself more than the orange haired boy. He knew he was trying his hardest to pretend like he didn't care. Jimin knew.

He knew, because later that night, at around 2AM- Jungkook thought Jimin was fast asleep in his bed. Jimin knew, because he immediately awfke to the sound of crying. Muffled crying. Jimin got up hesitantly and walked over to Jungkook's bed- where he could make out the figure of the boy cuddled up into a small ball under the covers. His hands were tightly clutching onto the pillow and his chest was falling up and down as tiny squeaks of sobs escaped his lips.

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