Chapter 6

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You could say things have changed a little bit between Jungkook and V.

When V makes snarky comments, instead of getting annoyed or irritated- Jungkook gets a little turned on. When V smirks with that aggravatingly condescending look on his face, instead of rolling his eyes, Jungkook just presses his thighs together. When V talks, Jungkook doesn't think of punching him across the face- instead he imagines him whispering filthy things into his ear.

So yeah, things have changed a little bit.

Or at least Jungkook thought so.

It was another day of football practice. He enjoyed practice quite a lot, he liked getting a kick of adrenaline and a rush of energy. It was fun. Kind of like sex.

(Okay, so maybe sex is almost the only thing in Jungkook's mind right now, but can you blame him?)

"I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde." Jimin said suddenly and Jungkook turned to look at him. Both were just kicking the ball back and forth, trying to get a little bit of practice before the match started.

"Why?" Jungkook asked. Jimin's hair was orange- and it didn't look bad. Jungkook thought Jimin was very cute- but he was never going to tell him that.

"Dunno. Gettin' kind of bored of orange."

"Go for it, man." Jungkook said and then saw Hoseok walking over to them.

"I'm so fucking angry." Hoseok grumbled.

"Why?" Jungkook asked and Hoseok ran his fingers through his red hair in frustration.

"V. Fucking V. He's being such a fucking twat." Hoseok snapped.

"When is he not?" Jimin added.

"Why?" Jungkook asked. He could see V talking to Namjoon on the other side of the field, a somewhat angry look on his face.

"He's just being a bitch. Saying that we won't start the practice until everyone runs 10 laps or something. Probably hasn't gotten laid recently and is deciding to take it out on all of us." Hoseok said and Jimin laughed.

"I love the guy- but not when he's playing football. God, he's such a dick. Who the fuck made him captain?" Jimin asked and Hoseok scoffed in agreement.

Jungkook sighed, eyes peering with the harsh sunlight falling on his face. The two hadn't really had sex for a week and a half. Too much homework and just.. being busy. They made out during lunch- but that's all. Jungkook's guessing that's why V's so pissed.

"I'll go talk to him." Jungkook said and Jimin grabbed his arm.

"Good god, don't rub salt into the wound." Jimin said and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Chill out, Park. We can be mature." Jungkook snickered. Jimin let go of Jungkook's arm and shrugged.

Jungkook walked to the other side of the field and he could already see V snapping at one of the players, Youngjae. Namjoon was standing beside then, looking utterly annoyed.

"V-" Jungkook called and Namjoon looked at him and sighed.

"Don't." Namjoon mouthed and Jungkook gave him a chill out look. Why was everyone freaking out? It's just V.

"What?" V snapped, turning to Jungkook. When he did, Youngjae just walked away, looking kind of scared.

"Can you stop being a bitch so we can actually start a game?" Jungkook said normally, not raising his voice or getting angry.

"I'm the one being a bitch? Have you seen the fucking players on this pitch?" V asked, an aggravated look on his face.

"First of all- calm the fuck down. You're only captain during games against other schools, V. Not during practice." Jungkook scoffed and V scrunched his nose, looking like he was trying not to get too angry.

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