Chapter 11

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It's not a date. Why the fuck would it be a date?? That doesn't make sense- you're friends. You've always been friends. Nothing matters. This whole thing is stupid. You're stupid-

"You okay?"

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and then turned to Taehyung, who was walking alondside the other boy to the mall. The nearest mall had an arcade, food court, cinema- almost everything- and it was only 5 minutes walk away from the school. Kids went there all the time over the weekend and stuff.

"Yeah-um- yeah. So.. what-what do you wanna do first?" Jungkook asked.

"I haven't been to the arcade for ages. Think it'd be fun to go there." Taehyung said and Jungkook just followed along- 'cause it was fun to go to the arcade.

Once they reached the mall they went to the arcaderia and immediately went in. Taehyung instantly dragged Jungkook to the air hockey table, where they started playing.

"Fuckin' hell!" Taehyung yelled loudly, attracting attention from little kids who widened their eyes at the swear word. Taehyung earned disapproving looks from some of the adults there, but he couldn't care less.

"How am I losing? I'm supposed to be good at this shit-" Taehyung grumbled and Jungkook just snickered, seeing the score light up with red lights reading 10-6. They'd been playing for a little while now and Taehyung was losing (much to Jungkook's delight).

"Maybe you want to lose." Jungkook said, wiggling his eyebrows at him. Taehyung smirked, just taking the stupid slab-ball thingy and placing it on the air hockey table.

"Losing the bet would be great and all- but I don't lose, Jeon." Taehyung said, hitting the puck across the table to Jungkook's side.

Something felt weird about Taehyung calling him 'Jeon'. It felt so friendly. Too friendly. Taehyung usually called him 'Kook' or 'Kookie' when they were alone, sometimes even around the other guys. Taehyung used to call him by his last name when they weren't exactly on the best terms. But it's fine- doesn't matter. He can call him whatever.

"That's interesting, because I always win." Jungkook said and then slammed the puck across the table and smirked when it slid into the goal.

Taehyung groaned in frustration and Jungkook couldn't help but giggle. "Told ya."

They kept playing for a bit more and of course, Taehyung lost.

"Fuck you." Taehyung mumbled as Jungkook pulled out the tickets from the slot thingy for winning. (He's not bragging, but 15-9 is quite the victory against the legendary V.)

"Chill out. It's just air hockey." Jungkook said and then walked over to Taehyung. "I'm sure you won't be upset when I ride you later." Jungkook whispered into his ear and then leaned back to see a scowl on Taehyung's face.

"Let's not talk about this in public." Taehyung mumbled, but Jungkook could see the slight redness in his cheeks.

After air hockey, they played other competitive games and such, earning tickets and laughing and teasing each other the whole time. Jungkook was actually having a really good time- he's hoping it's because of the games and not because of Taehyung.

Something about Taehyung was just so.. lively. Magnetic. He was so energetic and almost a little dangerous and intimidating. Until you spend a few hours with him, because he turns from this cocky and abrasive football captain who everyone fears, to this lovable childlike boy who has the cutest smile. Fuck, Jungkook could not stop thinking about him.

"Of course you beat me in Dance Dance Revolution- you're great at dancing! How is this even fair?!" Taehyung yelled and Jungkook laughed at how easily frustrated and competitve he got.

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