Chapter 9

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He wore a high neck sweater to dinner and no one really asked any questions or thought anything was weird- however, the next day, there were problems.

See, the one thing this school had was a strict dress code. Jungkook wrapped a scarf around his neck and wore his school uniform- but he looked so fucking dumb because it wasn't even cold! And on top of that, the hickeys were purpleish mixed with yellow- and god he hated V.

"Why're you wearing a scarf?" Jimin asked, seeing Jungkook fixing the blue scarf around his neck.

"Um- I have a sore throat." Jungkook replied and Jimin snickered. "Alright. You might get yelled at by Mrs. Yank, though." Jimin said. Jungkook sighed, hoping to god he wouldn't.

He walked into Mrs. Yang's history class and sat down in his usual spot beside Jimin and in front of Taehyung. The scarf (not his, he borrowed it from Taehyung) was bright blue and clearly attracted attention. Oh god.

"Nice scarf." Taehyung said loudly and smirked when Jungkook glared at him.

The teacher walked in and the class settled down and she (being the school dress code monitor or whatever) saw Jungkook and frowned.

"Jungkook, take off the scarf. Against the school dress rules."

Jungkook gulped. "I-I have a sore throat, miss. I'd like to keep it on-"

Mrs. Yang just stared, not buying it. "Then go to the nurse or take it off."

He can't go to the nurse. She'd just see the hickeys and instantly figure it out. Jungkook fidgeted for a few seconds and saw Mrs. Yang glaring, so he grudgingly took the scard off, putting it in his bag.

He heard gasps from his side and a loud "Dude- holy shit!"

Jungkook's cheeks turned pink when he saw that everyone was looking at him, some snickering and some with their mouths agape. Taehyung was just smirking, trying to look like he wasn't the one who made Jungkook's neck look like a Jackson Pollock painting.

He felt fingers across his neck and turned to see Jimin with his eyes widened. "Damn, Kook." Jimin laughed and Jungkook slapped his hand off, hiding his face in his hands and feeling his entire face and neck heat up.

Mrs. Yang saw it and just sighed disapprovingly- and then proceeded to lecture the class on why you shouldn't have sex before marriage for the next forty minutes. Everyone was just dozing and listening to her talk, giving Jungkook amused looks the whole time.

Jungkook felt so fucking embarrassed when the class ended and the teacher held him back to tell him to 'focus on things that are important and not get distracted'. He just nodded quickly and wrapped the stupid scarf around his neck and ran out of class.

He rushed to his next class - which was art - where he just sat in the corner and ignored everyone's burning questions. He could only ignore questions for so long, because when he walked towards the foodhall for lunch, all he could hear was laughs. He went over to the table where all his friends and the football guys were seated and they all saw him and started whistling and hooting.

"I want to see it!" A loud voice remarked and Jungkook's scarf got ripped off his neck by Yugyeom. He got pulled onto the seat- sandwiched between Hoseok and Yugyeom (good god help him) and everyone gasped.

"Yo- must've been some freaky ass chick."

"What kind of dominant ass girl are you hooking up with?"

"Fuck, man, she marked you up."

Jungkook just kept quiet, felt his cheeks burn as the boys kept snickering and making lewd comments about hickeys.

"Who was she?" Namjoon asked.

"No one." Jungkook said quietly and then felt fingers poke at his side.

"Ohhh, come on, tell us! Was it one of the cheerleaders?" Jackson asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"I-it's no one guys. Just- leave it." Jungkook mumbled and the boys huffed and moved on, wiggling their eyebrows at him every now and then.

Taehyung, of course, just ate his food quietly, a smug look on his face which made Jungkook's skin crawl.

After lunch was over, he just started rushing back to his room, when he heard footsteps beside him. He turned and saw Jimin and sighed.

"What?" Jungkook asked and Jimin smirked.

"Okay- now the others are gone, so you can tell me! Who was she?" Jimin asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I said no one." Jungkook said and Jimin scoffed.

"Dude, come on, you can tell me. So was it that girl from Math class, or-or that girl you talking to in Chemistry? Ooh-"

"Seriously, Jimin- I don't want to say it." Jungkook grumbled and Jimin pouted cutely.

"I just thought we told each other stuff. You don't have to hide things from me, Kook-"

Jungkook sighed in annoyance, cutting Jimin off. "It's none of your business, alright?" He snapped and Jimin looked a little taken aback.

"Um.. okay." Jimin said quickly, looking away from Jungkook. There was an awkward silence, the only sound being their feet walking across the hallway.

"Hey, so, how come you and V didn't come to practice yesterday?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook thought it was his way of changing the subject.

"We- um- had detention."


"Just.. talking in class. And stuff. In- um Biology. Yeah. You know how Ms. Sung gets-"

"Really?" Jimin asked and then snickered, which made Jungkook confused. "Cause V told me you both got into detention in English for not finishing your homework."

Jungkook gulped anxiously and suddenly Jimin grabbed his arm and forced to look at him.

"Why're you lying to me?" Jimin asked and Jungkook closed his eyes for a second because he likes Jimin and he's a really sweet guy and in fact his bestest friend in the school but right now he was pissing him the fuck off.

"You don't need to know everything, Jimin!" Jungkook spoke sharply and Jimin let go of his grip on Jungkook's arm, his eyes showing clear agony. Jungkook suddenly felt really bad for snapping at him.

"Okay, you're clearly in a bad mood so I'll leave you alone." Jimin mumbled.

"Jimin, it's not-" Jungkook started and Jimin stepped away from him.

"Forget it, Jungkook." Jimin exasperated, looking like he was trying to hide his hurt. "Why don't you just go hang out with V since he's suddenly your best friend." Jimin spat and then stormed off in the other direction, leaving Jungkook barren in the hallway.

Jungkook sighed, hiding his face with his hands. He can't tell Jimin, he just can't. He knows Jimin will react badly- even though Jungkook wants to tell him everything. There is nothing the other boy doesn't know about him, except that he's gay. Jimin's probably as homophobic as the other guys and Jungkook doesn't want to ruin anything.

But it seemed like he already has.

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