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Zac was seated on the living room couch, where he'd been for the last two days with his head between his knees, his eyes bloodshot. His mind went back and replayed the nights before. In that moment, he thought he was just drunk out of his mind and hearing voices. The next thing he knew Jake was carrying him up the stairs to his bedroom. After that, the next thing he remembered was waking up alone and finding a note saying Phoenix had taken Zane with her to her house. He called Phoenix to check on Zane and when she told him what transpired the night before he was pissed at himself for being so drunk. He apologized to her for putting her in that situation and thanked her for taking Zane. Next, he texted Jake to thank him for looking after him. Finally, he called Fatima. The entire day had passed and Zac had not been able to contact her. It was only because Phoenix told him that she texted her father that he let his sadness turn to rage. He was glad that she was safe but more and more the events at her apartment and her shouting that she wanted a divorce that sent him over the edge. He stayed up most of the night drinking, texting ad calling her phone non-stop. How could she do this to them? To their family?

By the time he finally got to speak to his wife, he was too tired to even fight. He finally rose from the couch and got in the shower. He didn't know what he was going to do next but he knew who he could talk to about it. Her father. In an hour Zac had showered, dressed, and drove to Mr. Wilson's house.

"Hey son, you look like shit." Mr. Wilson said taking in Zac's appearance. He stepped aside so Zac could enter.

"Yea, well I feel worse." Zac retorted stepping into the house. The men walked into Mr. Wilson's office. Zac took a seat in a chair opposite Charles' desk while her father took his normal seat.

"I'd offer you a drink, but you already smell like a distillery." Charles commented.

"My bad pops. This shit has been crazy. Have you spoken to her since she texted you?"

"No. have you?"

"she answered this morning but when I asked her where she was she told me that it didn't matter. On the way over here I remembered that we have tracking softwares on our cars. So, I could easily find her but I don't think I want to." Zac admitted

Charles was perplexed. "Why not? That's your wife. That's my daughter." He said getting pissed

"Because she's safe. She needs a moment and I'm gonna give her that. If she's not home in the next few days I'll go get her" Zac said confidently.

"Zac, she thinks you cheated on her and replaced her with her best friend. She left her son. This isn't my daughter. Tell me where she is." Charles said trying to keep his composure.

Zac thought about what his father-in-law said. She wasn't herself and hadn't been for a while. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought the Fatima he knew would be the person that stood before him three days ago. "You right. I'm tripping. Let me call her. If she doesn't answer ill go get her."

Zac called Fatima and just as he suspected, it went straight to voicemail. The only reason that Zac and Fatima had the software was to save on their car insurance rates and because Atlanta was being hit more and more with car thefts. They were almost victims of it themselves at the gas station. Thankfully neither of them ever had to use it. That was until now. Zac pulled up her car's location and was convinced the app was not working. it was showing her location to be in Alabama. He checked tried turning his Wi-Fi on and off, he even force closed the app and restarted it. He checked his car's GPS and it was right. She was really in Alabama. "What the fuck is in Alabama?" he cursed aloud.

Charles thought about it but nothing came to mind. "Nothing that I know of. We don't have any family out there."

Zac grew even more frustrated when he realized how long of a drive it would be. He called Phoenix to ask her to look after Zane for a few days while he went after Fatima. Because Phoenix was already acclimated to Zane's schedule, she agreed without hesitation.

"I think I should go with you." Her father stated.

"Nah pops. I got it. The drive will give me time to clear my thoughts."

"I think you should catch a flight and rent a car. That way you two can drive back together in one car." Her father suggested.

"That's not a bad idea." Zac began searching for flights and found one leaving in three hours. He told his father-in-law the plan and readied himself to head to the airport. "Pops. If she calls you, please don't tell her I'm coming. I don't want her to leave." Zac pleaded.

"Ok. I won't. But please keep me up to date with what's going on. I'll check in on Zane with Phee. Bring my princess home please."

"I got you." with that, Zac left in an uber to the airport.

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