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* I don't spell check. You will survive lol*

Disney day two is going off as planned without a hitch. They've ridden a bunch of rides and took twice that amount in pictures. They opted out of the tour guide for the second day because they felt like they could ride more rides without being slowed down by a person trying to show them all the hidden mickey statues or other things they were uninterested in. The group grabbed popcorn, Pretzels and drinks and gather around Cinderella's castle where the Disney parade was set to begin. It was packed with people sitting on the ground, squeezing in trying to get a better view, baboons and bubbles floating everywhere, Kids on the shoulders of parents and strollers, excited kids bouncing and twirling, lots and lots of strollers and wagons filled the space as everyone anxiously awaited the sound of the trumpet that signaled the start of the parade.

Fatima was like a kid in a candy store watching all the princesses pass by on their floats. There was something about Disney that was able to bring out the kid in everyone. Rich and Amaya danced as the beauty and the best float went by. Rich did his best prince charming impression bowing in front of Amaya who returned with her best curtsey. Zane sat comfortably on his fathers shoulders secretly enjoying the production. He lost his mind when the juggle book dancers performed their routine. Thirty minutes was all it took to give everyone their magical fill. By the time the performances were through, the group decided they'd split up for bathroom breaks and meet by the North gates to begin their departure from the park. Zane followed alongside Zach and Rich to the men's restrooms. Rich thought it was the perfect time for him to address the issue with the check.

"Hey Zac, you'll probably get a notice from your bank that the check I gave you was invalid." Richard began to speak.

"Yup. Got it." Zac said expressionlessly

Rich ignored the pettiness of Zac's tone. "I cleared up the issue with the bank. I can send you a wire transfer now or whenever. "

"Rich. I told you it was cool. Don't sweat it." Zac said trying to avoid the conversation.

"Nah man. It ain't cool. The bank fucked up but imma send that to you." Rich was putting his foot down. There was no way he was going to do as Zac said and just leave it alone. He was a man and men paid their debts is how Rich saw it.

While Zac and Rich went back and forth over the terms of payment, neither of them noticed that zane hadn't been behind them for the last 5 minutes of their trek to the restroom. Zane had dropped his lion king cup and if rolled away from him. He was quick to pick up his cup that had accidentally been kicked by other park goers and quickly chased behind his father. He knew Zac was wearing a white shirt similar to his own and navy shorts. Zane caught up to a man matching Zac's clothing description but when he reached out to take the man's hand Zane realized his mistake.

Zac looked to his left and his right in search of Zane. They'd reached the bathroom but Zane was no where in sight and Zac's heart dropped to his ass.

"Rich you see Zane?" Zac asked trying not to panic.

Rich searched his surroundings. "No I don't see him." Rich stood up on a bench to try to get a better view. He still didn't see him.

Zac rushed into the bathroom starting to become frantic looking for him. He called out his name hoping to hear him respond.

He came out the bathroom to find Rich also still looking. Zac pulled out his cell phone to call Fatima. Her phone rang and rang then went to voicemail. "Fuck."

Rich had an idea. "Maybe he turned back and caught up with Fatima. Let's head that way. I called her phone but you know how that goes." Fatima rarely uses her phone. Especially when she's out with her family.

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