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Zane shook his father's arm. "Daddy!"

Zac was in a deep sleep. Thankfully Fatima was a light sleeper and felt Zane tugging away at Zac  "hey mommy's big man. Good morning" Fatima said dragging herself out of Zac's arms. She looked back down at him. Not even really remembering falling asleep that way. 

"Morning mommy. What are you and boo-boo doing here? Daddy has to take me to school and make me breakfast."

Fatima glanced down again at a snoring Zac. How about mommy will make you breakfast and you get dressed. After that I'll take you to school myself."

"Perfect. Go brush your teeth and I'll make you some waffles." Fatima sent Zane on his way and looked at the time on her phone. She saw a few notifications on her phone. Jake texted to let her know that everyone was fine and rested and to thank her for all she did. She smiled at the good news. Rich texted her back a simple "ok and call me if you need me" and then a good morning text letting her know he was gonna stop by during the afternoon to take her car to get an oil change. All her other notifications were from her various social media platforms. So she placed her phone down and shook Zac awake.

"Hey. Why don't you go upstairs and rest imma take Zane to school and you can stay here with boo-boo."

Zac stood from the couch groggily. "What time is it? As he scanned the room for the time. He and Fatima noticed his erection at the same time. "Sorry." He offered bringing his hands down to cover his manhood.

"You're good." Fatima say playing it off.

Zac excused himself to relieve himself of his morning wood and came back carrying a tee shirt and sweatpants for Fatima to change into. "Waffles and bacon! Smells good in here."

"Daddy. How come you never make me waffles and bacon before school?" Zane asked eyeing the bacon in the pan practically drooling.

"Ya mother get here and now you acting brand new. You get cereal because you ask for cereal"

"Did you happen to see a diaper bag for boo-boo?" Fatima asked Zac.

"Nah. I don't think they gave me one." Zac said thinking back

"It's cool. When I drop this guy off to school, I'll stop at target and pick up some wipes and diapers and a change of clothes for her."

Fatima removed the bacon from the pan and set it aside to cool. "Here. You can fix his plate. Imma change."  Fatima slipped into the guest bath and washed her face and changed her clothes. Zac knocked on the door and handed her a toothbrush and toothpaste from the extras bin in the closet.

"Mommy. I'm done!!" Zane called out as Fatima was just finishing her brushing. "Ok babe. Grab ya shoes and meet me by the door."

"Would you two stop yelling! Y'all gonna wake her. Im tryna get back to sleep before she wakes up."

"Sorry dad. Mom are you gonna stay here with daddy and boo-boo when I'm at school?"

"No, mommy has some work to do. Im here helping daddy now because aunty Phee had her baby."

"Ohhh can I see it?" Zane jumped up and down in excitement.

"Not yet. They're at the hospital resting and making sure everything was ok. But as soon as they get home I'm sure daddy will FaceTime uncle Hake so you can see them."

"Ok. Let's go. Zac I'll be back. I have my keys if you wanna go upstairs. I can let myself in.  Zane go give daddy hugs and kisses so we can go."

Zac and Zane did their top secret boys only handshake and it warmed Fatima's heart. She and Zane got out the house and headed to school.

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