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Zac and Fatima exchanged awkward glances between each other struggling to find the words for Zane's question.

Richard was the first to speak

"Hey man." Rich started

"Nah. With all respect. This is my son. I got this." Zac stopped Rich from saying anything further

Rich put his hands up in surrender.

"Well because the best kiss Mommy and daddy ever shared made you. So we don't need to kiss anymore." Zac said proud of his answer.

"But all my friends moms kiss their dads. And Bluey's moms kisses her dad. So you and mom should kiss."

Fatima let out a light chuckle at her sons quick wit and obsession with his favorite show. "Mommy and daddy don't kiss because mommy and daddy aren't together." Fatima said simply as if Zane should just understand. The look on his face told a different story.

"Mommy. You're together right now. And if mommy's and daddy's kiss does that mean Mr. Rich is my daddy too?"

"What's with all the questions? How about you go grab ya sneakers so we can get you fresh for the week."

"But daddy.." Zane whined.

"No butts. Go do as daddy asked." Fatima said

Zane sulked away.

"Your son is a trip." Fatima said trying to ease the nervous feeling she was having.

Rich laughed. Zac however was annoyed at the entire situation.

Zane came running back into the living-room "I'm ready daddy!"

"Iight Son. Let's go. Go kiss your mother" Zac reminded his son.

"Mmmmwaaaaah" Fatima planted a big sloppy kiss on Zane's cheek. "Bye baby. Be good." She kissed him once more. "Zac call me before he goes for the night please."

"I know T. I know." Zac said as he ushered them out outside. Zane FaceTimed his mother every night to say their good nights and pray. Zac was proud of the work Fatima had done to get to where she was in her motherhood journey. Looking in, one would never know that she missed out on the first year of his life. "Love you" he shouted as the door closed behind them.


Fatima turned her attention ruin to Rich. "Ok. Give me 10 minutes to get my life together and we can go."

"Before we go. I wanna ask you something." Rich said taking Fatima by the hand and pulling her into his space. "You and I. Are we good?"

"Babe yes." Fatima answered confused. "Did I do something to make you question that?"

"No. I just wanted to check in with you. I know I kinda freaked you out when I asked you to move in."

"We're good babe. And I didn't freak out. I love you I do. I just don't want to rush." Fatima did her best to reassure him.

"I hear you babe. I love you too. But promise me one thing."

"What's that?" Fatima questioned.

"Promise me that you'll keep thinking on it. I'm not letting up on you Ms. Taylor." Rich said planting one more kiss on her lips.

Fatima kept her married name. She wanted to have the same last name as her Son. "I promise. And I like it when you don't let up." she said playfully biting at his bottom lip. They traded kisses back and forth. Fatima was becoming putty in Rich's embrace.

"Oh no. I see what you're tryna do. We gotta get to Amaya. We have a lot to get done." Fatima said breaking free.

"I'm tryna do a lot too." He said pulling her back in and palming her ass like it was a basketball.

Fatima didn't try to fight it. The rising temperature between her thighs was beginning to cloud her thoughts.

Rich's phone rang on the coffee table. He was going to ignore until he saw that it was his mother. Since she had Amaya, he thought it could be important. "Hey mama, everything good?"

Rich said a few yeses and no's and ended the call less than a minute after he answered. "we gotta make a target run. He said blowing out air."

"why you say it like that? I love target!" Fatima teased.

"Amaya's cycle started and my mom doesn't have anything over there for her." He begins fighting the air playfully and dramatically.

Fatima smiled. "Ill be right back." Fatima ran to her hall closet and came back carrying a box of Amaya's pads and some Honey pot wipes. "I always keep a stash for when she's over." She tossed the boxes to Rich.

"This is why I love you." he said impressed "ok we gotta go but can I taste it first"

"Rich!" Fatima said crossing her hands on her chest. "let's go."

"That's what im saying. Lets go" he said uncrossing arms.

"that's not what I meant." Fatima said lowly. Being brought back to the warmth by his cologne.

"This dress is saying otherwise. Come on." Rich had already slid Fatima's dress above her hips.

++Now yall know++

"Zane. How do you feel about Mr. Rich and Amaya coming with us on vacation to Disney this year?' Zac asked his son who was seated in the back of his car.

"They're coming?" he asked Excitedly.

"Well Im asking you how you feel about it. But I think I know your answer." Zac said smiling at his son. Everyone said he was his twin. But whenever he looked at him, he only saw Fatima. His eyes, his heart. It was all Fatima.

"Mr. Rich is cool daddy. He plays video games with me." As much as it pained Zac to hear it, he was glad that Fatima was with someone who truly loved her and their son.

"that's wassup man. You wanna shoulder ride to the shop?"

"Yes Yes yes yes!" Zane bounced up and down in his seat. Zane and Zac got out the car and headed inside the barbershop.


As Promised. Zac called Fatima to pray with Zane as he got ready for sleep. They spent about 5 minutes on the phone. At one point Rich and Amaya hopped on the camera to say goodnight as well. Fatima and Amaya were making a double volcano for her science project and they were covered in glue, paint and flour so Zac didn't want to keep her. He just told her that the arrangements for Paris had been updated and everything was in her email.

Zac finally fell asleep but was awakened by pounding on his front door and his cell phone ringing at a little past 1am.


in the meantime... here's Noelle and Rich

 here's Noelle and Rich

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