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Fatima walked out of the house with tears free-flowing down her face. Had this been the old Zac, she would know for certain that he was just speaking out of anger. However, this new Zac was unpredictable. She hoped that he didn't mean what he said but she couldn't be sure anymore.

Fatima handed over her car keys to Rock who was leaning against the trunk of her car waiting. He stood upright when he saw her crying face.

"Wanna hit the waterfront?" he asked taking the keys from her.

The waterfront was one of Fatima's favorite places to talk. The cool air and the smell of the water gave her a sense of calm. "No." she shook her head. She was afraid to open her mouth. Rock opened her car door and she got inside. As soon as the door closed the horrifying sobs she was fighting back came out. Rock didn't get in immediately. He was giving her room to release what she was carrying. A minute later he got into the driver's seat and pulled off. Destination. Fatima's apartment.

Upstairs in Zac's room, he was looking for his phone to text Preston. He was letting him know that he was now the host of the party and Zac was going to stay upstairs. He didn't want to socialize anymore but everyone was having a great time and he didn't want to ruin it for everyone else. He realized he left his cell phone in the backyard so he wiped away his tears and tried to sneak into the back unnoticed. He almost made it but he bumped into Phoenix who could immediately tell something was wrong. She ushered Zac off to the side.

"What happened?" She asked

Zac rehashed the entire meeting with Fatima and Phoenix stood before him mortified. "Zac, why would you say that? You don't mean that!"

"Phee you gonna look me dead in my face and tell me I was wrong? She brought the nigga to my house!"

"Zac, I hear you but you said that you heard her crying in the bathroom so clearly something was wrong."

"Phoenix, I asked her! I asked her over and over to tell me what was going on. we been doing therapy for months now and you know what.. why am I even talking about this. she made her choice. Let Preston or Jake know that I'm out and to lock up when everyone is done." Zac said walking off. There he was bearing his soul and yet another person can only see how it affects Fatima."


Monday came and Fatima went to their planned therapy schedule twenty minutes early. She was hoping Zac would show up so she could explain herself and tell him what was on her mind. She'd considered calling him after they both had a moment to calm down but decided that therapy was the best place for this.

Zac arrived just as the receptionist was alerting them that their therapist was ready for them.

"Hey Zac and Fatima. How are you?"

"Hey Doc. I've, been better. "Zac said looking over at Fatima.

"And you Fatima?"

"I could say the same." Fatima responded refusing too give Zac the satisfaction of being petty with him. "Before we get started today, I have something I'd like to read to Zac. Would that be ok? Fatima asked not really looking for permission. She pulled a folded sheet of paper from her purse and began reading.

Zac. First off id like to say that I see you and I hear you. I know that you are suffering and that you are doing the very best you can to support me through this journey. I will forever be grateful for all you have done and how you stepped up completely for our son when I couldn't. You have always been a great man and husband and now Zane is so lucky to have you as his father. When I left to get better, I did it because I wanted to get my family back and I wanted to get Fatima back. We've been through so much together in the short time we've been together and honestly, even with all of this hell we are facing, I still would have not chosen anyone else to go through it with. I love you Zac and that will never change. You will always have my heart. But I think I have to take a step back from healing us to focus on me, I don't know who this new woman is yet, but I need the space to get to know her. and frankly, I am tired of hurting you and seeing you hurt. You deserve happiness too and I feel as though I am holding you back. I will still be around to be a mother to Zane. But I need to find Fatima again and I can't do that trying to fill the shoes of the woman you married because she's no longer here. This woman is going to be a force to be reconned with, I feel it and I can't wait to meet her. Basically, what I am trying to say is that I am going to sign the papers, but I'd like to work out some kind of plan for parenting. I'm not going to leave him. I know what it means to be a mother and I plan on being the best at it. I know you may not believe me but everything I'm doing is for us. I love you. and Zac. I'm not dating Rock is my peer counselor. I kept him a secret because I was tired of being perceived as needy. How many therapists does one person usually have? Well, I have an entire team and adding to it all the time. I just didn't want to appear even more broken. I shouldn't have lied.

Fatima folded the paper back up and put it in the wastebasket near her seat.

she looked over at Zac whose eyes were red and puffy from crying. He didn't say anything.

"Zac, would you like to take a minute?" the therapist offered.

After a pause, Zac replied clearing his throat. "Um, no."

"Fatima, are you saying that you would like to end your marriage to Zachary?" The therapist asked.

"Yes. I cannot continue to watch the people I love hurt and know that I am the cause of it. He deserves better." Fatima said with certainty.

"Zac. How are you feeling?"

Zac used his hands to wipe the tears from each side of his face. "I feel like she is running again. But I also feel like I may have pushed her too far this time. However, strangely enough, I agree with her. All I've ever wanted was to make her happy since the moment I met her. but we are here, about to divorce and still, all I want is for her to be happy. So if leaving will help you get closer to happy I want that for her." Zac stopped talking to the doctor and adjusted himself so he could see Fatima. "Fatima. I love you. I will always love you. you have given me some of the biggest blessings and filled my heart in a way I didn't know possible and now we have the perfect mix of us in our Son. So go. Find your happiness." Zac said. He stood from his seat and walked over to where she sat. he took her hand in his and pulled her into a hug in the middle of the room. They stood there in silence just hugging each other for what felt like five minutes as they let the tears fall. Finally, he pulled away and placed a kiss on her forehead before walking to the door. "I will never keep Him from you. You are his mother. We can work out the logistics later." And with that, he left the session. 

Their divorce was handled personally by Andi and Robin. Neither of them contested anything and it was a nice split. It only took two weeks for everything to be finalized. They were proud to say that there was no bad blood between them. Zac told Fatima that he would continue to handle all of her living expenses while she got on her feet and Fatima protested. Zac wouldn't hear of it. They made the agreement that she would repay him the money she spent and Zac agreed.

two days after their divorce, Zac, Robin, and Preston all took a guy's trip to Miami. They weren't there celebrating Zac's divorce. They were celebrating his quest to happiness. The guys spared no expense and lived lavishly for three days until it was time to return to everyday life. When Zac got home he threw himself back into work and the company's expansion. He set a goal in Miami to expand his reach there and gave himself only one year to get it done.

Fatima on the other hand did not celebrate. She thought being divorced would feel differently. Realization hit for her when she was only recently divorced on paper, but they'd been divorced for a long time. Instead, she used her free time to remodel her apartment. She wanted a new space that would represent her new self. She also turned the second bedroom into a nursery for Zane. The only thing she did not throw out from her original décor was a framed poem that Zac write on a napkin for her with a dried rose pressed inside. She did move it from its original spot on her bedside table to the drawer. She couldn't let herself throw it away.

** Time Jump!! coming next** listennnnnn.. just hear me out.  love aint perfect. but is they still working? Stay tuned to find out!** 

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