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Zac stepped outside of the apartment and called for another Uber. He was going to retrieve his car from the restaurant they were at last night. He shot Jake a text to meet him there. When the Uber pulled up Zac got in and called Noelle. "Noelle. What was that?" He huffed into the phone.

"Oh Zac. I was just fooling around." Noelle sang into the phone

"Nah. That was childish as fuck. Look. I thought you were different but I see you're about games too, so let this be the last time we speak." He hung up the phone and immediately blocked her contact. Shortly after, he pulled into the parking lot and sat by his car waiting for Jake to arrive. He needed some advice and Jake was his go-to.


Fatima rushed to grab her cell phone. She started to call Nichelle but realized the time difference made it 6am In Paris. She thought about calling Phoenix but realized she might be spending some much-needed family time with Jake. Next on her list was Rock but he was out of town. So, Fatima put her phone down and ate the pizza. She changed outta Zac's clothes and into a pair of sweat pant like shorts and a sports bra. She popped out her contacts and traded them in for her oversized frames and looked at the time. Zac had been gone for over an hour. She couldn't wait any longer. She called Phoenix to tell her what happened.

Fatima went to the fridge and popped open a half-empty bottle of white wine. She went to grab a glass out of the cabinet and decided to instead drink it straight from the bottle.

"About time ya ass called." Phoenix said into the phone as she answered.

"Girl. You not gonna believe this shit." Fatima said into the phone. Phoenix could tell she was pissed. Fatima rattled off the story to her.

"Phee you there?" Fatima called out, realizing the silence on the other end of the phone.

"Yea. I'm here."

"Ok. So what should I do?"

"You should talk to him." Phoenix said plainly.

"Phee. He let that woman play in my face."


"No, Phee. She was wild disrespectful, and he didn't even check her. and then we get back here and he wanna be all loud with me like I'm the one who was wrong."

"Fatima. What did you want him to do? At the very least y'all both have images to protect. It's bad enough y'all were at waffle house but how is it gonna look him going off on a girl in a restaurant because he called his ex the wrong name. But now I see why jake left outta here so fast a lil while ago."

"What you mean?"

Zac texted Jake. I thought they were just meeting up to get the cars since we left ours too. But they've been gone for more than an hour which means Zac is still pissed and Jake is trying to calm him down.

"Sorry Phee. I didn't mean to interrupt y'all morning."

"It's cool T. but you're gonna have to just talk to the man. LIKE A BIG GIRL FATIMA! "Phoenix said adding extra emphasis on the end.

"I don't wanna." Fatima said whining like a brat. "This is all just too much. Too confusing. Last night was supposed to be fun. Just letting my hair down.

"I still don't know what to say about y'all."

"I shouldn't have slept with him. This was a mistake." Fatima dramatically cried into the phone.

"Wow- um. I'm sorry you feel that way" Zac said stepping into the bedroom carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Shit!. Phee, lemme call you back." Fatima didn't wait for her friend to respond before putting the phone down on the bed.

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