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"Hey Andi." Fatima sad into her phone.

"Hey Tima. I'm so glad you called. How are you?"

"I'm good. And getting better everyday." Fatima admitted. She really was feeling more in touch with herself everyday. When she started her therapy and healing journey, Fatima kept insisting that she wanted to get back to her old self. With the help of her therapist and support team, Fatima learned that that version of herself was gone and not coming back. Instead, they challenged her to get acquainted with the new woman she had become. The work was hard and tiresome and grueling some days but she still showed up for herself daily as best she could. "How have you been?" She asked Andi

"I've been good. Really good actually." Andi's smile could be felt through the phone. "I've missed you, friend." Andi said

"I know A. I've missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't respond to your messages. I just needed to let everything go so I could heal without distractions."

Andi didn't fully understand Fatima's struggle or journey but she supported her fully either way.

"So about earlier." Fatima began to say. "Zac told me you spoke to him."

"Yes. I told him I ran into you and a friend having coffee this morning."

Fatima scrunched her face on the other end of the phone. She knew she messed up not telling Zac about Rock.

"Was I not supposed to?" Andi asked innocently. Andi was under the impression from Zac that he and Fatima were working on their marriage so she was shocked to see her there and with another man nonetheless.

"No its fine." Fatima lied with her forehead in her hand. "How's Robin?"

"Fatima. I can hear the stress in your voice. Just tell me." Andi pried

"Andi its cool. Zac and I are working on our marriage but I haven't told him about Rock. Today when he mentioned seeing you , he didn't mention hearing about him so I didn't say anything so I know its about to be a mess."

"Well Fatima, if you're working on you guy's marriage, why were you on a date?" Andi asked carefully. She didn't want to upset Fatima.

"Seriously Andi? I was not on a date. I was having coffee with a friend." She still was not ready to disclose who he actually was but she was also not lying. Rock was her friend. "Let's just drop this."

"I'm sorry Friend. I hope I didn't make things worse. I was just excited to see you." Andi apologized "I can't wait to see you Saturday. It's been too long." Andi said getting excited. She really was happy to have her friend back. Ever since she fell out with Karen, her relationship with the other girls had also been strained. It's really just been Andi and Robin for the last few months. She loved Having robin but she missed the companionship that came from having girlfriends.

"It has been too long. Can't lie though, I'm nervous about coming."

"Fatima, No. everyone can't sit to see you. Don't be nervous. Be excited. It's gonna be like old times. Remember, singing laughing and dancing together. It's gonna be great!" Andi said excitedly, reminding Fatima of the many BBQ-s and fun nights they'd all shared as family.

"You're probably right. Well let me get off this phone. I have to wash this hair and you know how long that takes."

"yea. All that hair. See you Saturday girl. Love you."

"Love you too Andi. And thank you." Fatima didn't specify why she was thanking Andi and Andi didn't question it.


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