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+++ I lied.. First birthday is coming next chapter++

Dear Journal.

I had a meeting with my therapist today that went better than I had expected it to. Today wer talked about the day I got divorce papers from Zac. Remembering the voicemail I left on his phone and how he tore me a new one two days later over it, still takes my breath away. I'd thought I'd seen him pissed, but the man I saw that day was beyond that. "You want a divorce, Fatima? Isn't that what you said? Here are the papers! Sign them and put me out of my misery!" That's what he said to me just before he stormed off leaving me alone in the garden with divorce papers, egg on my face and an anxiety attack brewing. He didn't even let me apologize. I knew I was wrong and I wanted to tell him that. I'm not gonna lie, I deserved everything he threw at me that day. But hearing his words and really holding the envelope in my hands was insane. The only thing going through my mind was what the fuck. Two days later, I was checking myself out early and going home. The staff at the facility helped me to arrange parenting classes, therapy and weekly in-person check-ins. I didn't even tell anyone my plans. It didn't matter. I was going home. Or so I thought. I remember the pep talk I gave myself on the three-hour drive. I pulled into the driveway and noticed another car. I assumed it was the infamous Sam, but Zac's car was not there. I grabbed my house keys out of my purse and headed to the door. I stopped in my tracks when I reached it. Unsure if I should use my key or knock. I was really standing there stuck on stupid until the door opened from the inside. Before me stood the beautiful woman from the photo with Zane attached to her chest in a baby carrier.

"Hi. Can I help you?" she asked stepping back and making space between the stranger and them.

"Um. No. Yes." Fatima was stuttering

She stared at her curiously and then said "Mrs. Taylor?"


"Hi. Umm. Zac isn't here yet. My apologies. Mr. Taylor isn't back yet. He's not usually back until 6 she said glancing at her phone for the time I assume. It was just after 4pm.

We stood in the doorway quietly for what seemed like an eternity. "That's fine. Ill wait for him." Fatima attempted to walk into the house but she blocked my entry nervously.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Taylor but we were on the way out and I think I should check with Mr. Taylor before you come in. He didn't tell me that he was expecting you and I don't want any problems." She started tapping at her phone, undoubtedly pulling up Zac's contact.

For a second Fatima stood there stunned. "Never mind. I'll come back later." She reached up to touch the back of Zane's head." He had gotten so big since the last time Fatima held him. He was so content with her. Fatima smiled softly at the sweet baby boy in front of her and turned around and got back in her car. Fatima knew once she left, Sam would call Zac and he'd call her. So she went to the last place that felt good. The park they walked in together just a few months ago. Before she turned off the block she looked back and saw Sam and Zane walking away in the other direction. Fatima sat in the parking lot of the park for a few moments gathering her nerves and awaiting Zac's call. Twenty minutes went by, and it happened.

"Hey." She spoke into the phone. "I'm sorry. I should have called." She admitted quickly.

"Why are you out? You weren't supposed to be leaving for three more weeks? Zac responded.

"I know. But I think we should talk."

"What is there to talk about?" Zac asked. He wasn't being nasty or even rude but still Fatima could feel that even through the phone his deposition was off.

"Zac. Can we please talk? We can talk about these divorce papers."

"Are you out on a day pass or something?" Zac asked, ignoring her previous comments.

"I wasn't in jail you know. But no. I signed out early. I wanted to come home. I needed to actually" Fatima admitted.

"You signed yourself out early. You wanted to come home." He said repeating her. it was more like he was processing what she just said to him. "Ok, well I am kinda busy right now. Ill get up with you later this week at your apartment or something."

"At my apartment?" she questioned.

"Yea. I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay at the house right now. There's a lot going on that needs to get sorted out."

"Zac I am still your wife. I am still his mother. You cannot forbid me from coming into my own home." Fatima spat with an attitude.

Zac laughed a quick laugh. "Yo, you're funny. Don't you remember leaving for hours and having everyone worried? And you, my wife, and his mother was living a double life in the apartment you told me was being rented. Remember that? Exactly. So as I said, I will call you and meet with you at your apartment Fatima." Zac said matching her attitude. "And please don't come by unannounced again." That was the last thing Zac said before ending the call.

Fatima sat in her car and cried for ten minutes straight still in the parking lot. The sun was beginning to set and she wanted to just get into bed. Thankfully all of her utilities were still on thanks to auto pay and the apartment was clean because she employed a cleaning service to come monthly even in the months when the apartment was empty. Fatima entered her apartment and immediately went to the linen closet and retrieved new sheets and towels for the bedroom and the shower she so desperately needed. She didn't bother checking her phone or even charging it. No one would be looking for her.

Across town, Zachary had just returned home earlier than expected after speaking to his estranged wife. On his way home he called Phoenix to find out if she knew anything about her early departure.

"Hey Arizona. You got a minute?" Zac asked into the camera.

"Waddup bro. Where's my baby?" Phoenix smiled into the phone.

"He upstairs napping. Lemme ask you this. Did you know ya girl was back?"

"Fatima? No I haven't spoken to her really. Where she at?"

"I think she at her apartment. She popped up here earlier before I got here. Sam called me."

"Yikes, How'd that go?" Phoenix asked

"It went ok. I called her and let her know that I thought it would be best for her to stay at her apartment while we sorted through some things. But I'm not gonna lie. That pissed me off. She keeps doing shit and making decisions not thinking about how it affects the rest of us and thinks we all supposed to just be ok with the shit." Zac vented.

Phoenix sat quietly letting Zac vent. She knew the hurt he had been going through. They'd been each other's confidant for the last few months. Coming together to support Fatima through her journey and helping to care for Zane, brought them closer than ever and now that she was also seriously dating Jake, they'd been more like brother and sister than friends. The old Fatima would be proud.

"How about you just relax and deal with this later. You finally have a therapist and you need to concentrate on that. I'll call her and see where her head is at. Tomorrow after your appointment then you can deal with that." Phoenix suggested. She knew Zac was having major reservations about seeing a therapist but Jake said he came highly recommended and was making room in his schedule specially for Zac.

Zac took a few deep breaths. "Yea, you're right. I can't deal with this tonight. Where Jake at?"

"I am not that man's keeper. Call him." She joked

"Phee. He walked past like thirty seconds ago. Can you stop being like that? Just find out if he wanna come work out"

"Call his phone sir. Remember, I have to call T."

"You get on my nerves." He joked back at her, ending the call.

The next day Zac decided to work from home before his appointment. He was nervous as hell and couldn't get his mind to stop racing. He went for a run in the park to calm his nerves some. A woman dressed in an black leggings and a sports bra jogged past him dropping one of her airpods. He reached down to retrieve it for her. their eyes met as he stood. "Zac?"

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