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Fatima read the text and answered back immediately. "Did I tell you that you were my favorite person? What time?"

"Lmfao yes. You've told me. 30 minutes? Are you home? I can pick you up."

"I'm home but I can drive."

"Ok perfect. See you soon." Fatima hopped in the shower and got dressed. She arrived fifteen minutes late but it was expected of her.

She and Rock spent the afternoon betting over who was the better shot. Fatima was more of a handgun kind of woman but Rock taught her to shoot long guns and ever since, he and Fatima been challenging each other on and off the range.

After two hours of shooting they decided to sit and talk over smoothies.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Rock sat across the table pretending to be uncomfortable.

"I'm waiting patiently for you to tell me what's got you shooting the heads off targets today." Fatima said taking a sip of her green smoothie.

Rock and Fatima were open books with one another. They shared any and everything without the fear of being judged.

"Mariah wants to go to Cancun." Rock said flatly.

Fatima was confused. Mariah was Rock's girlfriend. They'd been dating for two years and decided to make it official finally. "Ok...what's the problem? You love Mexico."

"She booked the trip on Kenzie's birthday." Kenzie was was rocks daughter who died after a car accident a few years back. The same accident that took her mother's life. Every year on Kenzie's birthday, rock would start off his day with a cupcake and a solitaire candle. He would light the candle and talk to her about his favorite memories until the candle burned out. Next, he would send his yearly contribution to the hospital that became her second home for a while. After that he would add a new detail to his shin sleeve tattoo. All of these things were part of his yearly ritual and he never missed it. "I want to go. We need a vacation and this is the only time she can get off of work but I feel like if I skip this year I'm betraying her."

Fatima watched her friend as he struggled internally with being present in his relationship and the feeling of abandoning his deceased daughter. "So..what are you going to do?"

"I can't go T. I can't."

"You can. You should." Fatima countered.

"I'll think about it. But what's going on with you? You accepted my invitation way too quickly."

Fatima ran down the events of her last few days and was not surprised that Rock shared the same feelings as her cousin Nichelle.


Zac, Preston, and Jake sat in Zac's backyard drinking and playing cards when Zac made an announcement. "I think I'm going to ask Noelle on a date."

The men stared at Zac as if he was speaking Arabic. Preston spoke first. "Umm. I thought yall weren't interested in dating." He said nervously.

Jake looked over to Preston waiting for him to ask the real question.

"We haven't been. I mean Noelle is cool, we like the same stuff, the sex is bomb."

"I'll just say it. Does this mean you're finally over Fatima?" Jake asked?

Zac looked into the sky as if he were finding his words. "Man imma always love that woman. But she's happy. That's all I've ever wanted for her. So its time for me to get on with my life. Zac needs some happiness too."

"Ok. Here's to happiness!" Preston said raising his brandy glass. The other men cheered and clanked glasses.

"I'm proud of the way you've handled this situation bro. I don't know how I would have gotten through this if it were me. I'm glad you're finally ready to date. From what we hear, Noelle seems like a cool chick. Now maybe we can meet her." Preston said to Zac having a bro moment.

"Slow down!" Zac told them. "I ain't even ask her yet."

"What you waiting for?" they said in unison.

Zac shook his head in bewilderment at his friends and picked up his cell to call Noelle. Jake and Preston watched on and cheered silently.

"Hey No, you busy? I know im breaking the rules right now but id like to take you to lunch. Yes, as an actual date" Zac was smiling. "Ok, how about I pick you up around noon? That's perfect. Ok lata No."

The second Zac ended the call the guys started cheering loudly.

"Would y'all shut up! I got neighbors!" Zac reprimanded them while joining in on the laughter. "I'm taking her to lunch tomorrow."

"And pound town for dinner!" Jake exclaimed. "Oh wait. Y'all already been there!"

"You niggas are dumb!" Zac said in a fit of laughter.

The next day lunch with Noelle went off without a hitch. For the both of them it was just like a normal day together for them. Noelle Joked that although it was their first date, they have already seen each other naked and what is more nerve-wracking than that? after lunch Noelle accompanied Zac to the mall, he was picking up things for the trip to Paris and Noelle offered to judge his outfits.

For the two weeks leading up to their trip, Fatima has been trying to put more distance between her and Zac. She was feeling guilty about her thoughts lately about Zac. She felt like she was cheating on Rich and she was certain that he was noticing how she was behaving lately. Fatima called Zac on Sunday afternoon to find out what time he was getting Zane. He told her he would be there around 7pm so Fatima figured she'd run to the mall to do some shopping for their trip.

**Its short but i just wanted to give yall a lil something. its been a while but IM BAck**

DO i even have to say it??  Trust the process though**

2 more chapters til N!ggaz in Paris

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