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Three months have passed since Zac and Fatima's night together. Although their night together was beautiful, things between them had been lukewarm at best. 

Zac laid beside Fatima as she slept after their explosive sex. He couldn't sleep so he just laid there still, lost in his thoughts. he did not regret sleeping with his wife, but he knew it probably should not have happened. not like that. Then it dawned on him. He had to go. He had to leave because he'd remembered that Sam had the morning off for an appointment. He knew that it was super early so he decided not to wake an already sleeping Fatima. Realizing his cell phone was dead, he left her a note on her kitchen counter giving her a heads up and letting her know to call when she woke up. 

When Fatima arose the next morning she was surprised and hurt to find Zac missing from his side of the bed. After she gathered the energy to leave the bed she went into the kitchen and prepared herself a small breakfast and a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, she spilled some of her coffee when attempting to fill her mug. The spilled coffee soaked the napkin that Zac left on the counter so Fatima never saw it.

 Zachary got home and quietly crept into his bedroom without waking anyone in the house. He was finally able to fall asleep for a few hours still forgetting to charge his phone. It wasn't until Sam Woke him up at 9 am, did he remember that it was even dead. By then Fatima had already decided that he "treated her like a one-night stand" and was offended. Oblivious to it all Zac went about his morning normally. It wasn't until 11 that he decided to call Fatima. He had not heard from her and he wanted to make sure they were still on for their meeting in an hour. On her end, Fatima saw the call and watched as the phone rang. He tried three more times before giving up. He thought she may just need time to process the night before.

One day turned into three and Fatima had still not answered Zac's call. He was feeling both nervous that something had happened but also pissed that she could just be acting like this because they slept together or her favorite, running away again. The next morning Zac went to Fatima's apartment before work and let himself in. He walked through the apartment making a beeline for her bedroom. Nothing seemed out of place as he made his way through so he was livid to find her showering without a care in the world knowing he had been Blowing up her phone looking for her.

"Are you fucking kidding me Fatima?" Zac shouted as he entered the bathroom

Fatima screamed hearing anyone in the bathroom he had not heard him come in. "Zac what the fuck are you doing here? You scared the shit outta me"

"Yo. You're tripping right now! I been calling and texting ya phone for days. I was beginning too think you was dead."

Fatima turned off the shower and wrapped her body in a towel as she stepped out. "I don't have anything to say to you." She said stopping around him going into her closet.

"Fatima I don't know why you have an attitude but I'm telling you now, fix that shit. Are you this mad that we slept together? Shit! It was just sex. It's not like we're strangers." Zac insisted

Fatima scoffed at his comment. "You could have fooled me. You snuck outta here in the middle of the night like I was some whore you were creeping around with." She barked.

"What are you talking about? I didn't sneak. I left you a note on the kitchen counter!" Zac hollered back

"First of all, lower your voice. Second, you don't have to lie to me. It's cool. I get it. You can leave." Fatima spat.

"Yo. Ain't nobody lying! You had a Dunkin' Donuts napkin on the counter and I wrote on it that I had to go because I didn't have a sitter in the morning I also asked you to call me when you got up. I left it on the counter and I locked the door behind me. When I got home I forgot to charge my phone and I called you over and over and over again that day."

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