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The remainder of the trip was a blur for Zac. He fought like hell not to end up in the bar drinking his troubles away. He wanted nothing more to numb the pain he was feeling. But he couldn't. He promised himself that he wouldn't let the night he passed out on Phoenix ever be a thing again. Jake held him down in the meeting without having to be asked. That's what brothers do for one another. He knew that Zac was hurting but fighting like hell to show up for their business so he did his part as his partner and shined for them. Phoenix had indeed visited Fatima that day. Although Phoenix was Familiar with Sam, and well aware of their arrangement, she did not know that Fatima wasn't. And although they weren't on the best of terms, Phoenix tried her best to get Fatima to realize the position she left Zac in without being to harsh on her friend. Fatima had calmed down by the end of the day and tried calling Zac, hoping to rationally talk with him but he didn't answer any of her three calls.

When Zac arrived back home the next evening, the house was already dark, letting him know that both Zane and Sam were asleep. He peeked quietly into His son's nursery and found the crib empty. He went downstairs to where sam's room was and tapped softly on the door. Trying to announce himself before entering without waking them. The only time Zane slept in the room with Sam is when he was having a difficult night. Normally Zane would sleep through he night in his nursery but there were other nights when no matter how hard you'd try, he would not stay asleep. Those nights, either he or Sam would place him in their bed for the night or else no one would be able toot any sleep. The hall light shined through the crack in the door as Zac watched the tiny version of Fatima sleep peacefully. Feeling the light on her face Samantha woke up. "Hey, welcome back she whispered."

"Hey. Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you. I was just checking on him." Zac offered

"No worries. You want him? He's finally out cold."

"No that's ok. Let him sleep. I can tell by his snore that its been a long night. Ill let you rest."

"Ok. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight." With that Zac closed the door and headed to his bedroom to change out of his travel clothes into basketball shorts and a tank and went back down to his office. It was after 1am and he was tired but he was not sleepy. Zac stayed up looking at pictures of he and Fatima. He stopped when he realized it was only making him sadder. He missed his wife. It was like one day they were living the life they'd dreamt about. Happy and in love preparing to welcome their first child. The next minute it was like a bolt of lightning had crashed into his home and tore it apart without any warning at all. Zac stood from his desk and walked into the living room in search of his private stash. He located the box disguised as a coffee table book and opened it to find two perfectly rolled joints waiting for him.they are it a rule to never smoke in the house with he baby so went to the bar, poured himself one glass of Henry neat, grabbed a lighter and sat on the back patio to unwind. He wasn't sure if it was the weed and liquor or his paranoia, but his relaxation was cut short after he swore he heard the familiar cries of a coyote near his backyard. Zac was not sticking around to find out either. He ashed his weed, downed the last bit of his drink, and went back inside. He laid on the couch and began scrolling through social media. Something he barely ever did. He came across a few videos of young girls dancing like they were tryna break their hips and a bunch of horribly staged pranks that weren't even close to funny. He gave up on social media but the liquor and weed had kicked in. He found himself scrolling through his private collection of videos and pictures he and Fatima had shared throughout their time together. Before he knew it Zac found himself with his hand wrapped around his dick stroking it to a video of Fatima with her head between his legs. Zac was gone. It'd been so long since he'd been with his wife. The last time being literally two days before their son was born. He hadn't even slept beside her in months. After he'd rescued her from her attempted run away, she insisted they sleep in different bedrooms. Zac had been so passed with the stunt she pulled that he happily obliged her request. Zac was nearing his climax. His stroked gained intensity as he raced to finish with the video. Because he was wearing his headphones, he did not hear phoenix leave her bedroom in search of a drink of water. It was for the darkness of the room and the headphones that she also did not see her boss until she was on the other side of the couch. Just as he delivered the final stroke sending his cum straight into the air and finally claiming his stomach as its landing pad.

She saw him before he saw her. She shrieked in surprise and dropped the empty glass she was carrying.

Both of their eyes got large when they realized what just happened. When Samantha originally shrieked it was just because the figure scare her. She covered her eyes and ran back to her bedroom when the reality of what she actually saw set in.

"FUCK!!!" Zac shouted quietly. He wanted to go apologize to her in that moment but thought better of it. He didn't want to make it any more weird than it had just been. He cleaned himself up, then the glass and retreated to his bedroom for the remainder of the night. He texted Sam an apology and offered her the rest of the week off. She didn't read the message immediately. She was too busy freaking out in her room. She knew for sure she was going to lose her job now. She loved Zane and enjoyed working for Zac. She really hoped his wasn't the end but this was her second fuck upon two days.

Sam wanted to sneak out. It was only 7am but she was already dressed for the day. Unfortunately Zac an Zane were still both asleep. She didn't feel right leaving the house without Zac knowing that Zane would be alone. Yet, she couldn't face her boss. Last night was too embarrassing and awkward. Still, she knew her only options were to either leave without waking them or be responsible and wait. She chose to wait. She would bid him a good morning and then head straight out so fast they could not have a chance to discuss their encounter last night. Sam didn't even know why she was embarrassed. It wasn't as thought she had caught him in the act and stuck around to watch, she was genuinely just as surprised and mortified as he was. She had never even looked at Zac like that. She saw him as a mentor and employer at best. Little did she know, Zac had plans of his own. She headed to the kitchen to prepare Zane's morning bottle when she spotted him on he same couch as last night. Again she jumped.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asked quietly

"Zac, we're good. I didn't see anything." She lied through her teeth

"I am sorry. I should have went to my bedroom. I hope you don't want to quit or anything. Nothing like this will ever happen again! I swear! Ill give you a raise or anything you ask for but please don't quit!" He begged.

"Wait wait. I'm not quitting. I knew for sure that after the phone call with your wife's and then the thing I did not see yesterday, you were going to fire me. I'm not leaving Gummy. That's my lil boo!"

"Thank you Sam. I swear nothing like this will ever happen again. Are we good?"

Samantha smiled. "No, you're gonna need to get rid of this couch. Then were good." She laughed lightening the mood. "Oh but I am taking the rest of the week off. Ill see you Monday!"

When sam left the house Zac dropped to his knees thanking God. He was so afraid that he'd have to start over again. Zane really loved him some Samantha and she loved and treated him with so more care and affection. He was doubtful he'd find someone who he'd take to like that again. He hoped the next and last woman to come into his life would be his mother. In the meantime, he could not afford to lose Sam. She didn't mention the raise but he would still be adjusting her pay from then on out. Just as how of appreciation.

+++++ Guess what guys.. its time for a time jump!!!! Zane's turning ONE!!!!+++++

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