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Fatima eyes darted back and forth between the box and Richard nervously. She was hearing her heartbeat in her ears and she wanted nothing more than to run. All these emotions happened in four seconds. Finally, she looked over at Zac to see him quietly boiling in anticipation as well.

"On our first night here as the plane was ready to land, Amaya pointed out the window at the Eiffel Tower. The lights sparkled and danced like diamonds in the night sky, and I remember saying to myself. Damn, that was beautiful and I couldn't get the sight of my head."

Fatima's palms were drenched in sweat. 

"And so, when I came across this". He said opening the box and admiring its contents. "I knew it was perfect because the beauty in it and the twinkling lights reminded me of the beauty of you. So, Fatima. Thank you for including us and I hope you love this as much as we love you. " He said bringing his speech to an end and presenting her the box.

Fatima came face to face with the contents of the box and exhaled slowly. She closed her eyes for a second and say a silent prayer of thanks to her God.

"These are stunning." She spoke. She removed the 1.5-carat diamond halo drop earrings from the box and modeled them for the table.

"Ooohhhh Dadddyyyy those are pretty," Amaya said to her father.

Zac sat quietly and sipped from his brandy glass. He couldn't front. He was certain that Fatima was about to be proposed to.

Fatima leaned in and accepted Rich's kiss. " I hope you like them."

"I do. They're really beautiful. Thank you." She said still trying to calm her nerves. Her stomach had began doing flip flops and for a moment was ready to drop out her ass.

Dinner came a close and they all loaded back into the sprinter to close out the night.

Fatima loved all her gifts. But her mind couldn't help but to be incredibly curious about Zac's in particular. She retrieved it and sat with it for a moment just examining it. She spun the dial and nothing happened. Then she realized there was a pattern in the wood. Fatima got frustrated and put the mystery box down after a few more minutes of staring and shaking. She sat it on the edge of the coffee table in the living are of the suite and when she went stand she knocked to get ground accidentally. A compartment door opened leading to another puzzle to solve. This one requires a numerical pin. She chose her birthday, then Zane's then Zac's. Nothing worked. In a last ditch effort, She tried their anniversary. The bottom of the box dropped out and a key fell out. Problem was there was nowhere to put the tiny metal key. Not yet at least. Fatima sat up for fifteen more minutes fondling the box before really giving up.

She text Zac a picture of her progress and be hearted the image. "Take your time." He replied.

"Wanna give me a hint?" She texted back.

"Yes. Take your time." He sent back. "We are checking out at 12pm. Don't be late please."

"I won't." She lied. They both knew it though.

"Hey Tima. Busy?" Rich came from in the bedroom.

"No, wassup?"

"Just wanted to touch base with you. I know we had a lil moment during this trip but I wanted to tell you how much this meant to Amaya. The girl has been the happiest I have seen her in a very long time. She really loves you. And also how much you including us shows your dedication to moving our relationship forward. I know you've been through a lot and I understand it's gonna take some work and some time. And I just wanted to let you know that your heart is worth the wait." Rich said sincerely

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