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"Bitch you let him taste it!!" Nichelle squealed excitedly across the table.

"Would you hush." Fatima said looking around hoping people weren't watching. "is that the only thing you heard?"

"No. That was the only important part tho." Nichelle snickered. She was enjoying both the literal tea and the hot one Fatima brought to the table today.

"Bitch you supposed to be helping me. not laughing." Fatima said with a slightly serious face.

"Ok Ok. You're no fun. I don't see how you don't see the humor in this!"


Nichelle took in a deep breath to calm her giggles and released it slowly seeing how serious Fatima was becoming. "Well Tima, you already know how I feel about it. When you two broke up it wasn't supposed to be forever. You said it yourself. and now look at you. you have two men fighting for your love but we both know that one won it a long time ago. Im not saying you have to jump back into a relationship with Zac. But you should definitely end things with Richard. The comment he made about not sleeping with yall was super sassy but I get it. Imagine going to bed and this nigga lay down smelling like some cheap ass perfume. Prada candy or something."

"Zac's cologne aint cheap." Fatima said defending him.

Nichelle sat and stared at her with a blank face. "Bitch that ain't the damn point and you know it! Imagine how quick you'd grab your gun if Rich came to bed smelling like another woman. So I don't blame him. But Fatima's youre gonna break that man's heart. Don't ruin him for the next woman who could actually love him correctly."

Fatima was offended. " I do love him.

"I said correctly." You cant love him correctly if you was the crunch to Zac's munch last night. No matter if you stopped him or not. The moment you let that man breathe in your air you was doing wrong. Im not tryna tear you down cuz. Im just keeping it real. You need to have a talk with both of them and sort this out quickly."

"But what about Zac's girlfriend."

"He wasn't thinking about you her when his tongue was touching ya cervix now was he?"

"You are disgusting."

"Ill take that as a no. so what are you worried about her for?"

"Nichelle I don't know. What if we try again and it doesn't work out again. It's different this time. Zane is here. I can't bring his parents together and then rip them apart again in front of him." Fatima said waving her arms dramatically as she spoke.

"You work at an airport now? Put ya arms down! Looking stupid!" Nichelle teased. "You went to therapy to learn how to better communicate and to deal with your depression. You learned how to communicate. Y'all been doing it flawlessly up until recently. You aren't depressed anymore. Wonderful! And even your anxiety is easily managed. You did the work, Fatima. He did it with you. he's seen your ugliest and that man still loves your crazy ass. please cut it out."

Fatima took in all that her cousin was saying to her. "I guess." Is the only defense she could offer. " these mimosas are cute and everything but I need to smoke." Fatima thought out loud.

"girl I got one rolled in the car." Fatima paid their bill and they darted to the car.  "I prolly shouldn't drink, smoke AND drive." Nichelle said, realizing the predicament she was in.

"Didn't you pack your bathing suit like I told you this morning?"

"Oh shit. I did."

"Yea. Just grab what you need from your car. We're going to leave it here and ride back with me to the hotel spa. We can smoke now or when we get back its up to you."

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