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Zac called for an Uber and saw he had an unread text from Noelle. He would read it when he got back to his room.

He just stood and stared at her forcing her to divert her eyes away. "Tima Can I ask you something?"

"Wassup wasband?" Fatima cracked up at her own joke, clearly still feeling the effects of the drinks she and Nichelle polished back. Although she fond herself to be hilarious in the moment., she was still hiding from looking at him directly.

"Are you happy?"

Fatima thought for a moment before answering. "I'd like to believe so. Yes."

"Good" he nodded his head accepting her answer. He followed with another question.

"Ok, I know this is none of my business but, how serious are you and Rich? Like are y'all discussing Marriage and shit?" Zac asked her.

"I mean, he asked me to move in with him but... wait. Why are you asking me this?

Zac took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm just asking." He was trying to decide whether or not to bring up the jewelry store.

"Well since we are asking questions, are you dating anyone?" Fatima asked already knowing the answer to that but feeling empowered by the liquor and fueled by Zac's nosiness.

"Uhh. Umm. Yes. I am." He stuttered. He tried watching her face to read her thoughts but the Henny was throwing him off his game a bit. "Yeah." He said clearing his throat.

"Are you happy?" She asked finally looking in his direction again. She could tell even through the liqour that he was nervous about something.

"Working on it." He replied simply.

" From what I saw you looked pretty happy to me?" She blurted out before she could stop the words falling out her mouth.

Zac looked at her confused. "What you mean?"

Fatima tells Zac about the day in the mall. "So. Why didn't you tell me ?

At the very same time Fatima asked her question Zac asked one of his own. "You ever think about US anymore. Like the way we used to be. Like the way we were tonight?"

Fatima was shocked. So was Zac. He didn't intend to ask that.

A black sedan pulled up near them and the driver rolled down his window.

"Zachary T?" The driver asked after letting down his window.

"Yes that's me." Zac opened the back passenger door for Fatima to enter first. Once they were both situated in the car the driver halted their conversation by starting one of his own. By the time Zac answered his questions about what it was like to live in the US fatima had dozed off leaning her head on the window. Zac sat quietly thinking.

Fatima wasn't really asleep. She just know how to respond to Zac. Part of her wanted to spill her guys and tell him all about the confusion and chaos that was encapsulating her thoughts and how it strangely has been at the immediate forefront of her thoughts. The other part of her wanted to respect the space they were in. It took them a lot of work to get here. And then there was her relationship. Richard and Amaya deserved all of her. Not this flip flopping version. But was Zac thinking of her the way she was thinking of him? All of these thoughts raced through her mind as she sat faking a light snore to really sell it to Zac.

Zac nudged Fatima awake as they pulled to the front of the Hotel and thanked the driver and he shot around the car to open the floor for his Ex wife. She winced as she got out the car at the pain from her shoes. "Why don't you just take them off?" Zac said lightly laughing at her trying to tiptoe from the curb to the lobby.

"And put my bare feet on this ground?" Fatima responded as though Zac had insulted her. Fatima tip toed a few more paces.

Zac being unable to see her in so much pain but also kinda enjoying it offered her a new solution.

"Come on. Hop on." He told her, turning so his back could face her. Zac spent plenty of date nights giving Fatima piggy back rides. She would somehow manage to never stay in her shoes all night but refuse to carry flats, complaining that she couldn't fit them into whatever tiny purse she was carrying.

Fatima laughed. Thinking about all the nights he fussed about carrying her. " It's cool Zac. Once we make it to the elevator ill be good."

"You sure?"

"No." She laughed. "But I'm good. For real." Fatima thought about how it would look for her to be seen on his back when her man is up waiting for her. Zac didn't push the issue. He took her arm and guided her to the elevator bay. The doors opened at the touch of the button and together they walked inside. "You're not gonna answer my question? He asked her. And just as if he knew they were having a moment, they heard the familiar chime of a text message come through on her phone.

"Hey baby, just making sure that you're good. Text me when you're on your way." Is what the message read. Another followed immediately. "Love you.". She closed the phone without texting him back.

It was time for Fatima to answer Zac's question. " Zac.. I" The elevator doors opened on their floor. " We're here!" She said announcing their arrival teeter tottering off the elevator like a toddler learning to walk.

Zac didn't press it. He simply shook his head and thought to himself. "Still running I see". He walked her to her door still hoping she'd find the courage to answer him. 

"Good Night. It was fun. See ya in a few hours." She said smiling tapping her keycard on the reader at the door.

"Night Taylor." Zac watched her enter her suite and then walked into his own.  He refereed a short while later that Noelle was awaiting his response but he didnt have it in him to talk to her yet. To was after Midnight and he just wanted to clear his mind before he had to be in family mode again in a few hours. 

*** YALL been soooo (im)patient with me but im glad to announce the first real pivot in the story will be in happening in the next chapter. Now aive been saying. Don't get your hopes up. Cuz Their happily ever after MAY NOT look like what y'all think it should but I promise its gonna be good.

Fuck that. Trust the process.

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