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Two weeks have passed and everyone has fallen effortlessly back into their normal routines. Fatima was just getting back home after speaking at a conference at Clark Atlanta University. There were flowers waiting for her on the kitchen counter and a card from Richard beside them.

Fatima smiled at he card. She felt bad because she still had not talked to Richard like Nichelle told her to. There were two major problems Fatima was battling. The first being, she did not want Amaya to feel as though she was being abandoned by Fatima. She never wanted another child to feel they were abandoned by her. The other issue was that she didn't want Zac to feel as though she was leaving for him. She was honestly leaving because of him and there was a major difference. He helped her to realize she was not as in love with Rich as she thought she was. She needed space to evaluate her feelings and time. But time was for sure running out.

Fatima picked up the card and rad it aloud. "Caught the livestream. You were amazing as usual. Dinner at my place tonight at 8?"

Fatima picked up her phone and called him. More than anything Fatima loved how thoughtful Rich was. No matter what he had going on, he always found a way to make her feel like a top priority.

"Hey beautfiful. Did you make it home yet?"

"Yes. I did and thank you, they're beautiful." Fatima said smiling. The flowers really were a beautiful arrangement of wild flowers with the brightest of colors wrapped in the softest burlap fabric ad finally all brought together by a white lace ribbon. "And yes to dinner, of course."

"Perfect. Would you like to drive or can I send a car for you?"

"Car me please!." Fatima laughed. She really did not feel like driving after being on the road all day."

"As you wish. The car will be there at 7:30 sharp."

Fatima and Rich ended their call and Fatima decided to take a short nap before she had to begin getting ready. With her alarm set for one hour Fatima stripped down to her panties and burrowed into her fluffy sheets.


Rich opened the door for Fatima wearing a black apron around his waist. They shared a sweet kiss before he handed her a wine glass filled with her favorite Cabernet Sauvignon.

"It smells amazing in here. What's on the menu?

"Pasta and Lobster." Rich said proudly. He escorted Fatima inside. She placed her purse on the entryway table and followed behind him.  The dinner table was set with a white tablecloth and a place setting for two. Floating candles adorned the center of the table on either side of a smaller flower arrangement similar to the one he delivered to her house.

"Awww babe, this is beautiful." She said smiling at the effort he put in. That was just like Rich. He loved romance and wasn't afraid to show it.

"It's my pleasure. I just want us to have a beautiful night. I feel like we've been drifting."

Fatima lowered her eyes just a bit. "We've just had a lot going on."

"Well tonight. It's just about you and I. No kids. No work talk. No distractions. Just you, and me."

Fatima was intrigued. She loved when a man made a big deal out of spending time with her. And it had been a while for them. In ways she was ashamed to admit she missed.

Dinner was going well for the couple until Fatima's phone rang. It was face down beside her at the table.  She noticed it was Zac and sent him straight to voicemail. Without pause. The phone rang again. This time she answered.  She figured something had to be wrong. He never called like that and he had Zane.

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