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Dear Journal,

When I think of my relationship with Rich, I can't help but to smile. He was such an unexpected light in my life. When he and I met I wasn't looking for love and still, he crept in and it was beautiful. When he asked me to move in with him, none of that mattered. For weeks straight I contemplated moving in with Rich. I went back and forth over my decision. He was an amazing man. He loved me and my son. He got along decently with My ex-husband. He was a great father to his own daughter. He was hardworking, handsome, had a great body and always put my needs first. Things between us were so good. I could list on and on all the great things about Rich but the moment he opened his mouth and asked me to move in I was basically ready to lace up my track shoes and zoom. The last time I lived with a man it ended horribly. Why couldn't he be happy with the way things were? I loved him. I really did but in that moment, all the pressure to be the perfect woman and homemaker that I felt before came back with a vengeance. Although I knew I wasn't ready to move in with Rich I knew I still wanted him and how he made me feel. I wanted him to know that while I wasn't ready to move in, I was serious about him. So When Amaya heard us going over my vacation plans with Zac and Zane, she innocently asked to go too. Rich tried to deflect so I didn't have to decline but I thought it would be a great time to really blend the family. I just needed to get Zac on board. I know he is really only nice to Rich for the sake of me and keeping the peace, but I hoped that niceness would extend to vacation. Especially since Rich made it clear that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Fatima noticed that Zac's entire energy shifted. He was putting on an amazing front for the school administrators, but Fatima could see right though it. Thirty minutes later, the family was leaving the school. Zane flew to Zac's car, damn near kicking the shoes off as he ran. Zac unlocked his car and Zane jumped in. "You're quiet." Fatima stated.

"Nah. I'm not. I'm just going over everything they said at the school. Tuition is a bitch but the exposure to culture and their arts programs are unmatched." Zac said trying to convince Fatima that everything was fine.

Fatima wasn't buying it. She knew exactly what was going on. "It's about what I asked you earlier isn't it?"

"T. I'm good. If you wanna bring Richard and his daughter its cool. I just have to rearrange some stuff but we good." Zac said trying to hide his feelings. Long ago did he stop trying to win Fatima back. They were finally in a good space and the way they parented their son was perfect for them. Zac was happy. Fatima was happy and that's all that mattered. But it was still hard for him to have to watch her happiness and not wonder what would have happened had it not been for postpartum.

"Are you sure? Like seriously. I know this is weird. But we've all hung out together before. I think it'll be good."

"Yes. T. I'm sure. When everything is settled, I'll send you over the details. Let's go feed this kid."

Halfway to the office Zac received a call from his assistant letting him know his meeting was cancelled since the other party had a family emergency. Zac rerouted his car home and change his clothes for the gym. Outside the gym he pulled up beside a familiar car. It was Noelle's. Her license plate read "0ELNO" He felt bad that he had to reschedule their "date" but Zac's dick jumped a little at the thought of getting a glimpse of her ass in her biker shorts.

"It must be my lucky day." She said walking behind him as he emerged from the locker room.

Zac laughed. "Wassup Elle?"

"Nothing Much. Just tryna get one in before the week is over. I been slacking." She said referring to her workouts.

Zac scanned her body. "Nah. Aint nothing slackin'." He said making her blush. "how much you got left?" he asked fighting off an erection.

"I got about fifteen more minutes. You tryna slide?" she asked fully aware of the looks Zac was giving her. The feelings were mutual. It had been a minute since she and Zac had a chance to "catch up". Zac was one of Noelle's favorite things to do. They'd never had a bad time together and she loved that Zac was a pleaser. Every now and then they'd even be the other's plus one to a few corporate events. They were the perfect arm candy.

Zac let his eyes roam across her body once more. "Don't make sense to do your cool down. I got it." He said flirting.

"Don't threaten me with a good time. My house? I gotta be somewhere at 4pm."

"I work better under pressure." Zac laughed at his corny ass comeback. "Imma wait for you in the parking lot. "

Noelle laughed as she strutted into the women's locker room to collect her belongings. She grabbed her belongings and hopped into her car. He followed her to her house and parked around the corner. Another one of his rules. He's not having someone looking for him because they saw his car at another chic's house. He actually got that one from Karen when she was sleeping with Rico. And Aaron. And apparently Gary but back to the story. Today was shaping up to be an amazing day for Zac.

Noelle waited for Zac, holding the front door open. "Make yourself at home, you know where everything is. Imma hop in the shower real quick." Noelle said removing her lavender Sports bra as she sashayed towards the stairs that led upstairs to her master suite. Before she could land her foot on the first step , Zac snatched her back. "you ain't going nowhere." She smiled at him with a sinister grin. "And who's gonna stop me?" she challenged back. Zac's dick was fighting against the material of his basketball shorts....

++Now y'all know I ain't about to write that sex. It was cute tho.++

Fatima ended up keeping Zane for the rest of the week. It was now Sunday morning and Zac was on his way to pick Zane up from her, it was haircut day for the boys. Fatima texted Zac that she was in the shower and the door would be unlocked. Two minutes after Zac got upstairs Richard came through the door.

"Wassup Zac." Rich reached out to dap Zac up.

"Wassup." Zac said back

"Where T?"

"She in the back. Zane just went to get her." the men chopped it up casually for a few minutes before Rich excused himself to see what was taking her so long. Just as he reached the doorknob to the bedroom Fatima emerged with. "Hey beautiful". He said delivering a sweet kiss to her lips.

Fatima was surprised to see Rich. He hadn't mentioned coming by. "Hey you. what you doing here?"

"Don't tell me you forgot." Rich said

Fatima looked at him utterly confused. He continued speaking. "Maya.."

"Shit!! I did forget about the science fair project ". Fatima remembered. "OK. Let me get Zane situated with Zac and Ill be ready in thirty minutes."

"No rush babe. She's with my parents. Relax." Rich said laughing at a rustled Fatima. He reached in for another kiss.

"One more." She said poking out her lips for another kiss.

Zac could see them but he was trying to mind his business. Plus, he was replaying last night with Noelle. Two times in one week with that girl would set him straight for days. His ears perked up when he heard what Zane asked next.

"Mommy, how come you never kiss daddy like that?" Zane asked innocently and everyone in the room froze.

++ Filler chapter but I am swamped this week. ++

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