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By the time the Uber pulled up outside Zac's house Fatima was making a beeline for the door. She had to pee. Like a rookie she broke the first rule of drinking. Don't break the seal. She fought to put the passcode into the keypad while carrying her shoes and purse and hopping around. After the third attempt the door finally opened and she took the stairs two at a time trying to make it to the bathroom. Zac entered the house a few paces behind her   Making his way to the bathroom on the first floor. He could hear her knocking over things in his bathroom. He did his business and headed upstairs to check on her when he heard the shower running.

"What are you doing? He asked standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

Fatima was already in the shower laughing. " I didn't make it."

Zac noticed the pile of clothes on the floor. " Oh. Let me go get you a washcloth and towel. Zac scoped the wet clothes off the bathroom floor and tossed them into the washing machine. He returned to his bathroom carrying a fluffy grey towel and matching cloth. He could hear her giggling and singing  under the cloud of smoke from the heat of the shower.

"What's so funny?" He called out to her

Apparently his return scared her because his voice made her jump and drop the bar of soap she was using as a microphone.

"You scared me!" She continued laughing. Her text tone alerted her to a message on her phone. "Can you check that for me please?"

Zac found her phone on the sink counter. "Phoenix said did you get on the ride?" He asked her confused and she busted out laughing

"Text her back and say not yet."

Zac tapped away on the screen sending her reply from the Home Screen. "What ride?" He asked Fatima who went back to singing.

"Oh. It's Nothing. Come here. Can you wash my back please?" She asked outstretching her hand with the car of soap for him to take. 

Zac took the soap from her but looked confused.

She turned to face him. "That's soap. You put it in the washcloth and then.." she began explaining the process to him sarcastically.

"Tima. Don't try me."

"What? You standing there stuck. I thought maybe you needed some help."

"Haha really funny. Turn around." He sucked his teeth and held out the washcloth so it could get wet and proceeded to wash her back. "Happy?"

"Kinda. Thank you."

"Kinda? Man if I wash any harder you're gonna be hollering be gentle with me." He imitated his best Fatima voice. Zac was trying his hardest not to get hard but it was an impossible feat.

"Maybe I don't want you to be gentle." She said still hiding under the cover of the hot shower.

"Huh?" He needed to make sure he heard her correctly.

This time she turned and looked him square in the eyes. "I said I don't want you to be gentle."

Zac stood there frozen in place. He didn't know what to do. He could hear Noelle saying take it easy. But in the moment he took to process the request Fatima retreated.

"Ok. Never mind then." She said returning to the water. This time allowing her hair under the water with her. She turned away and continued rinsing.

Zac stepped into the shower fully clothed with the exception of his shoes.  He pulled her into him from behind. She didn't fight it.

He gathered her wet mane into a ponytail in his hand, leaning her head to the side. He kisses her neck softly, his free hand held her tightly against his body by her waist.

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