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Zac and Jake stood silently looking on at the scene in front of them before walking to the man cave. Zac thought it would be best to let them have their moment. "They need this.. whatever this is." Jake said motioning above him towards the ladies upstairs. "But do you think we should be worried?" He asked a bit concerned.

"Nah. They're good. I knew some form of this was gonna happen. Just been waiting on it. Well hoping on it. Them two can't breathe without each other. Trust me. They're good." Zac said reassuring Jake.

"But how are y'all tho? Between Zane, work, Tima, and my parents. I feel like we haven't had a chance to really catch up. Shit, I barely see you at the office anymore."

"Bro don't sweat that. We good. And me and P been really rocking tough. She's dope as hell." Jake said wearing the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"Look at you cheesing bro!!! I'm happy for y'all. Phee really is a good girl. She's tough as shit just like Fatima but she's really a big softie with a big ass heart. Do right by her." Zac warned.

"I will. I will." Jake took a moment before he asked the question that had been plaguing him since they got back. "So, How's Fatima doing? I know y'all have been going through a rough spot right now."

"Bro, some days are better than others. I am not gonna lie. Shit is stressful. I don't know what to do. I tried my way and she literally ran away. So now I'm just tryna follow her lead. Problem is. She ain't really doing anything. The problem ain't gonna go away on its own. But I'm just watching and waiting. Tryna get in where I fit in I guess." Zac said after giving the question much thought. "I'm bout to order some wings and shit before the game starts. Lemme go see if they want anything." Zac said to Jake.

Fatima and Phoenix were upstairs sitting on the couch in the living room talking as though they'd never had a falling out. They weren't doing their usual loud gossiping but seeing them talking was enough for Zac. He was just happy to see Fatima spend a day being happy.

"I don't know how I would have managed if you weren't here. I really don't think I can do this. I don't know how Zac's been doing it." Fatima said

"He's not doing it alone. And you wouldn't be either T. This shit takes a village for real. You have that in us. We only want what's best for you. you know that." Phoenix reasoned with her friend.

"I know Phee but the shit is embarrassing. How am I supposed to look someone in the face and admit to hating motherhood so far? That sounds so ungrateful and selfish. Do you know how many women would literally kill to be in my shoes right now? If I were them, I'd judge me too. No, I can't do it." Fatima said and shook her head.

"Fatima. I am not tryna be mean when I say this but, you are absolutely being selfish right now. You're worried more about whether or not someone is judging you over whether or not you're being a mother to your son. Which one do you think they'd judge more?"

Fatima was taken aback by Phoenix's words and tone. So much so that she couldn't speak. There was no denying what she said was true. But it didn't make hearing it any easier. Fatima simply got off the couch and headed to the bedroom when she bumped into Zac and she realized he'd heard everything.

"uhhh. Ummm. Im ordering wings for the game. Do you want anything?" Zac stuttered.

"Just move. Zac." She said placing Zane's baby monitor in the center of his chest as she walked past him. He didn't bother trying to stop her. He knew it would have been in vain.

Zac turned to face Phoenix who was still sitting on the couch shaking her head. "Arizona what the hell bro?" Zac said to Phoenix annoyed

"You know I wasn't trying to make her upset." Phoenix said defending herself.

"Nah I know that. This shit is just so draining. My bad." He apologized. Lemme go see if she's good." He passed Phoenix the baby monitor and went to check on Fatima. When he got to her bedroom, he could hear the music coming from the bathroom and that typically meant she wanted to be left alone so that's what he did. He went to his bedroom and changed into shorts before returning back downstairs.

"EWWWWW. Have you two no respect?" he said aloud to phoenix and Jake as he walked in on them hugging. Get a room. One far, far outside of this house." He teased

"I know you ain't talking! Need I remind you of the little ball of perfection upstairs that just so happens to be my nephew?" Phoenix shot back. "Exactly. Carry on."

"Everything good?" Jake asked about Fatima.

Zac shrugged his shoulders in a manner that said he was unsure but not worried. "Yea. Its all good."

"Look brother. Me and Phoenix gonna dip unless you need help with the baby. Y'all should talk." Jake meant what he said but he was also trying to spend some time with his girl. She was over at the Taylor home more than she was anywhere else these days and he wanted to monopolize a few hours of her time.

"Bro I appreciate it but its not necessary. We watching the game right? "Zac sounded almost desperate for them to stay.

Phoenix stepped in. "How about this? You two watch the game. Imma head home. I have an early meeting tomorrow and I really need to rest."

"Nah, it's cool. Y'all go and enjoy your night. Imma hang with my little man tonight. at least I won't have to share my wings." Zac said trying to lighten the mood.

"You sure bro?" Jake asked.

"I'm sure. Y'all go and have a goodnight. And thank you Phee again.


Dear Journal,

After that talk with Phoenix I admit I was pissed but after I had a chance to think I knew she was coming from a place of love. Phoenix has seen me through some of my most trying times and she pulled me out of many dark places. Just none as dark as this. The next morning I woke up and went for a run to clear my mind and when I got back I knew what I needed to do. I just hoped I didn't regret it. I called Veronica. My mother. If anyone else could understand what I was going through it would be the original dead beat mother herself.

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