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Nichelle called just as the families were entering their ride. "Hey change of plans. They want us to meet them at a restaurant. She sent me the address." Fatima could be heard talking to their driver about the new plans, he assured her that they would still make it there on time.

"FATIIIIIIIIMMMMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Nichelle screeched as Fatima made her way into the restaurant.

"CHELLLLLLLLEEEE!!!!!!! Fatima matched the energy. It had been so long since the two last seen each other in person. They hugged each other so tight that one of them was bound to drop from oxygen deprivation. Everyone stood around smiling at the ladies' reunion. Finally they broke free from each other and Nichelle went over to the rest of the crew standing right behind Fatima. "Zachary My Zachary!! Nichelle called out as Zac gave her a bear hug. "As beautiful as ever!!" he said, twirling her around. They've always had a great relationship with each other despite him and her cousin being divorced. Nichelle squatted down to hug Zane. "And you must be Richard. Nice to finally meet you in Person." "Nice to finally meet you as well." He replied She gave him a polite hug and brought her eyes to Amaya. "and this beauty queen must be Amaya! You are an absolute doll" Nichelle gushing over Amaya's features. "It's very nice to meet you Ms. Nichelle." Nichelle lost it over how polite the young girl was and scooped her into a huge hug."

"Chelle did you buy out the restaurant for the night?" Fatima asked noticing they were the only people present.

"Technically yes. Brian bought it last year from a friend and finally finished renovations."

"Speaking of Brian. Where is he?" Fatima said noticing his absence for the first time.

"He'll be up in a minute. He's receiving a shipment in the basement right now. But he should be done shortly. And our food should be done in a few as well. Brian's chef is amazing. He fuses traditional African cuisine and Caribbean dishes. Its OMG. "

"Well, it's beautiful in here. And we are starving so we can't wait to try it." Nichelle took everyone on a tour of the restaurant in the meanwhile.

Richard got a call that made him step away from the group. He was gone for a few minutes so Fatima came to check that everything was alright.

"Listen, just tell me how long it will take." Rich was clearly pissed. "Are you sure? Ok. Thank You."

Rich ended his call and saw Fatima standing nearby with a look of concern.

"Hey, is everything ok?" She asked.

Rich shook his head. "Yea. That was my bank. They called to let me know they froze my accounts because of suspicious activities. Which would have been fine if I hadn't already alerted them to my travel and that shouldn't have happened."

"Oh ok. Well that's nothing to be upset about babe. Its fixed now right?"

"Yea that's fixed but the check I gave Zac bounced." Rich said rolling his eyes.

"Ew. What was that for?" She asked referencing his eye roll.

"Nothing babe. Its just gonna look crazy that it bounced." Richard said still frustrated.

"babe, its cool. Zac ain't pressed for it. Just let him know what's up and wire it to him when we get back."

Rich didn't respond to her. instead he suggested they get back to the group. They were gone for a while and he didn't want to be rude. In the back of his mind he couldn't help but feel like Zac was gonna use this against him somehow. Especially after he made it a point to let him know that he could provide for Fatima.

"Fatima do you ever intend on aging?" Brian said hugging Fatima. "It's been too long."

"And why would I do something like that?" Fatima laughed accepting Brian into her space.

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