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Later that evening Zac and Sam were seated in the living room going over the plans for the week coming. Zac would be leaving town for two days for a business meeting with Jake. This meeting could change Zac's life forever. It was the difference between him being a great business man and becoming a mogul. With all that was going on at home, he considered rescheduling the meeting but everyone told him that would be insane. It was Sam's first time spending such a long time with Zane without Zac and although Zac trusted her, he wanted to g over everything just to be sure.

"Ok Sam, run through it one more time for me. I promise this is the last time. Maybe." Zac laughed.

"The emergency numbers are on the fridge, in my phone, on the whiteboard in the office and a printed copy is also in the diaper bag. Phoenix will be here the night you leave to check in on us. Zane's insurance cards are in the file labeled Zane on your desk with his immunization record and doctors number. He loves bananas and pears but refuses carrots and squash. His bath water must be checked with my elbow and his bath products are all under the sink in his bathroom. Cocomelon is not allowed in this house and he likes to sleep swaddled and with his white noise machine. He's trying to crawl so keep an eye out for that and lastly but not least you will have your phone on you at all times and if there is anything I need to call you immediately. Zac, I got this. Zane is going to be just fine. If it helps. Don't think about it as two days away. Think about it as one sleep. You're leaving in the morning and coming back the next evening. We got this." She said trying to reassure Zac that she was confident in her abilities.

"My bad Sam. I'm just nervous." Zac admitted.

"I know. Your mood has been a lil off all day. Gummy should be ready for his night routine in a bout thirty minutes or so if you wanna just go lay down or something. I can do his night routine so you can rest."

"Nah ill handle it. I just have a lot on my mind. Thanks though."

"I'm no real estate tycoon or therapist or anything but If you wanna talk I can listen. I know the renovations are driving you crazy."

"Nah its not even that. I went to see Fatima today. It was weird though. She looked amazing and she said she was doing well and ready to come home. But I don't know.. it felt kind of forced talking to her. Like she was just telling me what I she thinks I wanted to hear." Zac said

"But that is what you want. Isn't it?"

"Yea, of course. But I'm just wondering if that's what she wants. It's just been a long six months. I don't know what to think if I'm being honest " Zac said thinking out loud. " I just got so much on my mind. Between Fatima, Zane, My parents, My brother, my company. It's a lot" he continued.

Sam studied his face. "Zac it sounds like you need a break. Shit. It seems like everyone else is taking one. Why not you? Your wife has been at basically a spa for two months with another month to go. A week ain't gonna hurt nobody."

Zac caught an attitude with Sam's comment about Fatima. "Look, I know you're tryna help but you don't know shit about my wife so don't bring her up like you do." He said with an attitude

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to upset you. My point is just that you're tackling everything. You need a release too or you're gonna combust. You can't afford that. You're all he has and if you're no good..."

"Imma head up. Goodnight." Zac said ending their conversation. As he and Zane navigated their bedtime routine he couldn't help but think about what Samantha said. He did need a release and drinking wasn't it.

Three days later, it was time for him to depart for his meeting in Los Angeles. He was leaving the house at 3am for the red eye flight leaving at 5:20 in the morning. He did not want to wake Zane so he stood in the doorway to his nursery and blew him a silent kiss. Sam called for him at the bottom of the steps, alerting him that his car service was there to take him to the airport. "Breathe, He's going to be just fine. We got this." She said sensing his nerves resurfacing.

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