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The next morning Zac rose with the sun on his face and buried in the mountains of pillows that adorned the bed where Fatima used to sleep. It was a habit he picked up from Fatima. He never understood why a bed needed 19 pillows but now he couldn't sleep any other way. Paris was beautiful but there was something about sleeping in the comfort of your own bed that was unmatched. The only thing he was not looking forward to during the day was meeting up with Noelle. Zac made the decision not to string her along while he dealt with the feelings, he swore he had under control. He texted her asking to meet for lunch and she happily agreed. Zac knew what he was doing was fucked up. Especially since Fatima was fighting harder than Holyfield to ignore her feelings but he respected Noelle too much to keep leading her on. Rather get it over with now than hurt her even more later. What Zac didn't know was that Fatima's relationship was also about to take a major shift as well.

Lunch with Noelle went better than Zac had expected. She told him that she understood his position and even offered him some advice.

"Zachary you are one of a kind. If she still has your heart after all this time then and it went down like that in Paris, it's only a matter of time before she's back where she belongs. But you gotta be smooth about this playboy. You're teetering the line of desperation. Show her that you're all in but don't be so in your face with it. You're too loud. Be quiet." Noelle said gesturing with her hands to bring it down. "she's a runner. So don't chase her. Meet her at HER finish line. You know her best, so create a situation for her that meets all her needs in a way that she can't run from it or you. "

"Funny you mention that because I already have something in the works."

"I bet you do." She laughed. "Listen Zac, I wish you two the best of luck. And thank you. You've shown me that there are men out there who want to give their woman the world. I hope I meet my Prince Charming one day." Noelle smiled

"I have no doubt that you will. You're an amazing woman." Zac said standing from the table and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you around."

"You better not. Cuz the next time I won't be letting you leave." She flirted adding a wink.

Zac smiled and walked off feeling good about his decision.

Zac got home and went to phase two of executing his plan. Operation: Re-MRS. the Taylor


Fatima woke up the next morning and remembered she didn't have any food in the house so she and Zane decided to go out for breakfast and then grocery shop after.  Zane Devoured a stack of pancakes and a side of bacon. Fatima scanned the menu indecisively for ten minutes before settling on a veggie omelet.

"So babe, What did you think of our trip?" Fatima asked Zane making small talk.

"It was ok." Zane admitted

"Just ok? Why?"

Zane shrugged his shoulders not wanting to answer his mother. 

"No, Talk to me."

"Well you and Daddy and Mr. Rich were all being weird. I like it better when it was just us three. No one was fighting on our trips."

Fatima was shocked. Kids really do pick up on everything. She thought to herself. "We weren't fighting babe. But I'm sorry your trip wasn't what you hoped for." Fatima felt terrible. The last thing she wanted was to hear that he didn't enjoy a trip that he was so excited for. "How about this. how about I call daddy and see how we can fix it for you?" Fatima said excitedly.

"Can we go back next week?" Zane said getting excited.

"Woah woah! Next week might be too soon, but we will figure it out."

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