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"BALL SO HARD MUHFu..." Amaya was living her best life in the sprinter ride from the airport to the hotel.

"finish that sentence and you're gonna need dentures at eleven" Rich warned

The car erupted in laughter. "Daddy. I wasn't gonna say it"

"Yea ok." Rich turned away from the kids and back to the adults. "What happened to kidz bop?"

"I'd rather chew bricks." Zac said "Have you heard some of the songs they've remade? It's torture in a small whiney voice. "I cant lie tho, me and Zane be getting crazy to Gracie's Corner."

"Man I wish. Amaya ass be tryna do all the tik tok dances. And someone be helping her." he said gesturing towards Fatima.

The driver let them know that they'd be arriving to their hotel in less than then minutes.

"This is beautiful Ms. Fatima. " Amaya spun around admiring the art that was the Hotel Lutetia. They'd be there for the next week as they toured the city.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Zane whined.

"Yes baby me too. let daddy finish checking us in and we can order room service while we get settled." With the time difference, the Taylors and the Porters arrived at the hotel at 2am. "hope they're taking orders. Its late." She mentions.

The employee checking them in overheard the conversation and let them know that their rooms were their best suites and came with additional perks like 24-hour room service and laundry.

Their luggage arrived to their room shortly after they did. Zane was asleep in Zac's arms before they'd even gotten off the elevators.

"ill take him tonight. we can meet up in the morning after everyone has gotten some rest." Zac announced handing Richard and Fatima their room assignment.

Fatima looked at the numbers oddly. "We have adjoining rooms?"

"Lemme see." Zac looked at the room assignments again. "No. We're across the hall from one another."

"Oh ok. Well let's get these kids to bed. See ya tomorrow. Well in a few hours. The adults and kids went their separate ways.

Rich settled Amaya in her bedroom of their suite and came to find his beau in the mirror removing her makeup.

"First night in the most beautiful city in the world. What do you wanna do?" He asked seductively.

"There's only one right answer." She says back just as flirtatiously. "Sleep." She said with a smile.

"That sounds heavenly." Rich said laughing as he turned to turn on the shower. "Anything else would be ungodly."

"Wouldn't it. Hurry up. I'm gonna jump in after you." Normally Fatima wouldn't mind showering with Rich but she knew the chances of him being too tired to resist her naked dripping body were slim to none.

"Get in with me. It'll save time." Rich said making bedroom eyes at Fatima.

"Absolutely not. Wash and sleep. Only things happening tonight." Fatima protested.

"Ok beautiful. I'll make it quick." Rich said stepping out of his clothes. Fatima took a quick peek at his dangling manhood. And for a tiny second she was tempted but she shook it off and continued with her makeup removal.

Zac placed Zane is his bed. Unlike Fatima and Rich's room there was no need for a second bedroom. Zane slept with his father often at home and Paris would be no different. His suite instead had a solitaire king sized bed and a king sized pull out in the living room. Separate shower and soaking tub alone with a balcony that offered immaculate views of the city.

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