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** don't ask me to come outside 🤣. I'm bringing my Vaseline and sneakers since y'all like to tussle lol**

Dear Journal,

The day Austin was born was such a beautiful and chaotic morning. It really brightened my day thinking about how it all worked out perfectly in the end. But the afternoon threw me for a loop. When it was all said and done I couldn't help but feel so guilty. When I say guilty. I mean GUILTY. How could I look my man in the eye knowing what I did? I don't even really know how or why it happened. Rich and I have a great sex life. I tried to stop but it's like this man has a hold on me. Every few years he reminds me inadvertently that he'll always be around. I needed this to stop. I needed this last time to be the very last time. But how do I stop? Whatever the answer was needed to come quick because I knew for sure I couldn't keep doing THIS to Rich.

Fatima heard the familiar sounds of a key turning in her front door. A few seconds later. Keys dropped into the bowl on the entryway table.

"Back here" she called out from her bedroom. She was fresh out the shower. She stood beside her bed propping one of her legs up to moisturize it. Never shifting her focus from what she was doing, she heard the bedroom door open and in he walks. The little white towel being used to shield her fully from his view only heightened his excitement, knowing full well what was underneath. Still, he salivated at the thought of unwrapping the gift before him.

"Let me help you with that" he says seductively, never taking his eyes off her coming fully into the room. He walks over to her and adds some lotion to his hands. Placing himself behind her he starts to massage her neck and shoulders. Fatima closes her eyes and allows the pleasure to build with every caress. Fatima lets a moan escape her lips. His hands were magic. "You don't need this" he whispered, removing her towel. "Lay down" he demanded. He traded the lotion for the body oil on the nightstand. He pours the oil onto her back, watching it race down her spine and disappearing into the warmth between her cheeks. His massive hands began massaging the small of her back, chasing the end of the trail. She spread her legs encouraging his hands to continue their journey in search of the missing oil trail. What he found was so much wetter. His hand Palmed her ass like a basketball while his thumb traced gentle circles around her clit. Fatima's body danced to the rhythm his touch was creating. Next thing she knew he was kneeled behind her spreading her cheeks apart, replacing his thumb with teasing little licks. As much as she was enjoying his head where it was. She wanted more and was growing frustrated. "Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?" She challenged him. "My mother ain't never made something this good." Her shot back slapping her ass as he stood to remove his clothing. With nothing on but his Cuban link chain, he reassumed his spot between her cheeks. Tongue kissing her center savoring the sweetness of her. Fatima's climax was drowned into her pillow as Rich finally came up for air. "Now what we're you saying about playing with my food?"

Fatima rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at him with the same pillow that caught her screams just a moment ago. "I'd cuss you out but I'm in a good mood."she said sitting up on the bed. "Weren't you supposed to be taking me to lunch?

Rich rubbed his belly. "I'm full"

"Well what about me?" She smiled sinisterly at him.

"The best meat in town in right here." He said cockily pointing at his hardness."

"I'll be the judge of that." She moved from her spot on the bed and took his place on the floor. "Pass me a scrunchie."

Rich smiled knowing what that hair tie meant for him.

Fatima pulled her hair back from her face and secured it with the band. She decided that two could play the teasing game and slowly licked and sucked the head of his penis while caressing his balls in her hand. He tried coaxing her head down further taking him in. But every time she felt him getting too deep into it she'd pull back. Just a reminder that she was in charge. Finally she gave him what he'd been waiting for. She held onto his thighs for support as she took him into her mouth completely. His moans told her not to stop. The fistful of her hair he held told her she couldn't if she wanted to. It didn't matter tho. Fatima's eyes we shut and she was lost in her own world. With every twirl of her tongue and stroke of his shaft, Fatima made love to it. He was fighting for his life not to cum but she was making it too hard. "Tima. Tima damn girl!" Rich managed to get his dick free just before the damn broke. Fatima felt the wetness between her legs growing. She pushed him back down and slid herself down his pole working her middle like she was on payroll at the PYNK. She rocked back and forth nearing her climax with every gyration of her hips. Rich thought Fatima was off some edibles from the ay she was fucking him but the truth was much worse. Fatima closed her eyes and there he was. Zac. But not just Zac. Vivid flashbacks of some of her favorite moments with him. When he had her bent over the captain's chair the first time they charted a yacht to the Bahamas when Zac got his passport. She thought about the night they got stuck in an rainstorm in the park and fucked on the picnic tables in the rain. Rich could feel each orgasm from start to finish as she rode him to his own release. When she caught her breath and opened her eyes she immediately panicked realizing what just happened. She calmed down when she noticed Rich's calm demeanor. Surely if she would have slipped out a wrong name somewhere he would have noticed.

"Earth to Tima.." Rich called out to her.

She tried to play off that fact that she zoned out yet again. "Yes babe?"

"Where were you just now? You were just hella spaced out." He said watching her from his spot in the bed.

"I'm tryna come down from that. That was something special." She admitted gathering the strength to put on her bathroom. She needed to go to the restroom. Although Fatima took her birth control religiously, she also had a small collection of Plan B pills on standby just Incase. She went into the bathroom and shut the door behind her and ran the faucet. "What the fuck was that Fatima?" She screamed silently to herself. Fatima sat on that toilet for Five minutes straight making sure to squeeze out every drop of anything Rich may have left behind while also wrapping her brain around fucking Rich but thinking of Zac. Fatima shook it off as best she could, chalking it up to her waking up in his arms and seeing his morning wood.

"Baby, Your phone is ringing. It's Zac." Rich shouted through he wooden bathroom door.

The door flew open and Fatima took the phone. "Hey" she said nervously.

Before Rich knew what happened Fatima running into the closet and Throwing clothes on and flying down the stairs. While getting dressed she managed to fill Rich in with he bitts and pieces that Zac gave her. Zane's school called Zac to inform him that he was injured running with his lace untied and he hit his mouth on the playground equipment. The school informed him that Zane was going to need stitches and he was being transported to the emergency room as mandated b school policy.

"Wait ill drive you. You ant drive like this." Rich threw his Jen's and shirt back on almost as fast as he nutted earlier and drove Fatima to her son.

Whe they arrived, inch stayed behind to park the car while Fatima entered through the emergency entrance. Zac was already there waiting for information at the desk when they spotted each other. "Where is he?" She asked Frantically.

Zac pulled her in for a hug seeing how panicked she was. "There's someone on our way here now to take us to him.

A nurse wearing curbs covered in teddy bears approved them. "Are you Zac and Fatima Taylor?" She asked.

They answered in unison. The nurse said told them to follow her as she escorted them to their son. "Zane was brought in after a fall on the playground. He's ok. He did knock his two front teeth out but luckily for him they were his baby teeth and the X-rays show no damage to the gums. Now he does have 8 stitches and some bruising but they should all heal virtually invisible."

Fatima breathed a breathe of relief for the first time since getting Zac's call. They stopped at the door to Zane's room. When it opened Fatima's eyes filled with tears. Zac was surprised as well but he was handling it internally. Zane's PE teacher sat in the corner of the room while Zane slept peacefully in the bed.

"Mr. And Mrs. Taylor. Wonderful to see you again. Wish it were tbh def such circumstances but Zane is ok and going to make a full recovery."

Fatima stopped listening long ago. She was standing at his beside studying her son. So small but his face looked like he went a few rounds with Mayweather.

"What happened? This don't look like no slip n fall." Zac said Keeping an eye on Fatima. She was uncharacteristically quiet.

Mr. Fields went over what the other students told him happened. Zane was running and playing tag with the rest of his class. Unfortunately his sneaker laces had came undone and when he began to run up the playground equipment he tripped over himself and hit his mouth and face on the stairs he was attempting to climb.

Zane began to stir as Fatima softly touched his swollen mouth and looked at the blood on his uniform shirt.

"Thank you sir." Zac shook the teachers hand and dismissed him. He wasn't mad and understood that accidents happened, especially with 5 year old boys.

Zac walked up behind Tima putting his hands on her shoulders. "He's a clutz just like his momma. He's gonna be fine." He said reassuring her. She let out the weakest chuckle. He could tell her anxiety was ready to peak and he wanted to keep her calm.

For one moment Fatima forgot about Rich and accepted Zac's comfort. She leaned slightly back towards him. His heartbeat in her back. He held onto her as the both watched over their sleeping son. Both of them needing the other.

A knock from the open door brought them back.

Trust it. Trust The. Process.

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