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Zac shot up to the sitting position in the and grabbed his phone. Jake was on the phone. "Man open the door! Phoenix is about to have this baby on your front door!" Jake yelled into the phone.

Zac jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs to open the door. Phoenix was indeed doubled over in pain. Jake passed his and Phoenix's crying 1 year old to Zac who was just standing in the doorway in shock. When Zac got the call from Jake to be part of their birthing team he didn't think it was going to happen at his house. Jake told him that since he was the closest to the hospital. They would drop their first baby to him when the day came and continue on to the hospital. But the way Phoenix was hollering told Zac something else was about to go down.

"Zac man move!" Jake yelled pushing Zac out of the doorway.

"I need to push!!!!" Phoenix screamed

"Come inside. Let me get you to the couch." Jake ushered Phoenix inside to the couch. 

"Im gonna go put her down in Zane's room. What do you need me to do."

"Bring back as many towels as you can spare!" Zac ran off to put the baby down and help his friends.

Phoenix screamed as another contraction ripped through her. "I can't do this! It hurts too much" Phoenix cried as the contraction began to subside.

Just when she thought it was over another one came crashing down on her like waves in the ocean. "I can't do this!! I can't! "

Just then Fatima burst through Zac front door in a silk night dress and Nike 270s on her feet. "Yes you can baby. You can do it." She said rushing over to Jake and Phee's side. "Where's Zac?"

He came running down the stairs with a mountain of towels in hand. "Zac go get me a washcloth and a pair of scissors."

Fatima sprang into action as if she was a trained Obstetrician. She talked through each contraction with Phee encouraging her to push Because baby's head was indeed right there.

Jake and Zac watched in amazement as the women literally brought life into the world.

"Phee one three push and you're there baby. Just give me one more!!!" Fatima coached as Jake wiped away the sweat pouring down her face.

Zac couldn't stop pacing back and forth. He had the baby monitor in one hand watching the kids to make certain that commotion downstairs didn't wake them.

One last thunderous scream left Phoenix as she pushed one last time. "That's it baby push!!PUSHHHh!!"fatima cheered through her tears!

Jake watched as his son came sliding into the world. "Baby he's soooo beautiful" he gushed through the tears he didn't realize were falling down his own face.

"Zac. Call ems." Fatima commanded to Zac who was maintaining a safe distance from the action.

Phoenix heard that and became panicked. "What's wrong?!? Is he ok?!?

"Yes baby, he's fine . EMS is gonna come take y'all to the hospital." Fatima reassured her.

"Leave the cord attached." Phoenix said as Fatima went to deliver the scissors to Jake to cut his son's Umbilical cord. 

Zac could be heard in the background telling the dispatchers what had taken place. Fatima told Phoenix that she had to deliver her afterbirth. Phoenix begins to bare down and push again like she learned in birthing class. Delivery was successful and for a moment everyone was smiling and just enjoying the beauty before them. Jake and a Phoenix hadn't chose d a name for their son yet. So they sat around waiting for the paramedics to arrive tossing names suggestions around.

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