Let's Discuss

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This isn't a chapter but since y'all are tearing me up in the moments let's discuss!!

I feel like y'all giving Zac a lot. Yes Fatima is going through severe PP and she's now attempting to address it an Zac as her husband is absolutely supposed to be supporting his wife through this time. HOWEVER ... Zac is also dealing with her PP and the aftermath of her impulsive decisions. Just because she's the one experiencing it doesn't mean that he doesn't get to have feelings of anger, hurt, abandonment, confusion and frustrations as well. 

Everyone including Zac has been so focused on Fatima's needs and Zane's needs that they forget he's also dealing with a heavy load too. (Brothers death, business expansion, single fatherhood, new fatherhood, failing marriage) It's coming off as lashing out as Fatima but where else is he supposed to put his anger?

Sound off in the comments!!!!!!

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