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Fatima locked the door behind her as she tried calming herself down. She was in the beginning stages of a panic attack after hearing Zac talk to a complete stranger about their problems but he has never told her these things. Not like that. How could he not see that she was trying? Why didn't she tell him about Rock? Her mind was racing a mile a minute trying to answer her own questions. A light sweat formed above her brows as her breathing started getting rapid. "Breathe Tima. Breath Tima!" She tried coaching herself. After what felt like an eternity, Fatima pulled out her phone and texted rock their safe word, "Jupiter". Rock gave Fatima a safe word to use only when she was in crisis. Whenever she used the word, he would drop whatever he may have been doing to help her out of the moment. So far, this was the first time she's needed to use it. Her phone rang and she answered immediately.

Zac entered his bedroom a few minutes later to use the bathroom before returning to the backyard. He wanted to splash some water on his face after the talk with Ms. Belle. She was right, he did need to talk to Fatima and get a better understanding of what their goals were. He took two steps into the room but could hear someone on the phone in his bathroom. He started to announce himself but the conversation intrigued him so he listened on. He realized shortly after, it was Fatima on the other side of the door.

"Can I send an Uber to you and you come pick me up please. I can't drive." Fatima said into the phone.

Zac couldn't hear the other side of the call but he could tell from her response that the person on the other line disagreed with Fatima. He could tell he'd missed most of the conversation already.

"No, I can't." Fatima huffed into the phone. "Rock I am trying the damn breathing and the shit ain't working. Please come get me." She pleaded.

"No. I'm in the bathroom. I'm in his bathroom..... No, I'm gonna kiss the baby and sneak out. I'll be waiting for you in my car." Fatima gave Rock the Uber info and managed to calm herself enough to clean her face and sneak out of the bathroom. She slid the frosted glare Barn door open and saw Zac sitting at the floor of the bed with his head down.

"Zac." She said shocked to see him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Hey."

"uhhmm." Fatima stumbled

"Fatima, we need to talk." He raised his head to face her.

"Yea." She replied with her head down. She began picking her cuticles.

"Sit down." He told her motioning to the chaise lounge opposite him. "Fatima. What is going on?"

"Nothing Zac."

"No, Fatima. We not doing that. We are talking. What's going on?"

"Why would you tell her all that? That's my personal business Zac, not gossip for you to be spreading!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you talking to her in Zane's room."

"Fatima, I'm not spreading Your business. I am speaking my truth. You like lots of people seem to forget that I am also going through this. Yes, you have the diagnosis, but this is bigger than just you Fatima. Everything literally changed overnight. There was no warning, there was no grace period or time for everyone to process. It hit hard and fast for everyone, not just you! And I'm not looking for a pity party, but I do deserve the same grace that I have been giving you."

"Grace? Zac, you shut me out from day one!"

"Fatima you're tripping bro. how have I shut you out? I've literally spent the better part of a year chasing after you. and when I wasn't chasing you, I was making sure that things still operated as smoothly as possible." Zac said putting a little bit more volume into the conversation. He was trying to remain composed, but she was making accusations that really bothered him.

"Zac you're making it seem as if I asked for this. Like I'm enjoying this. But I am trying my very hardest not to be this!" she said matching his tone. "And I tell you often how much I'm grateful for all your help. but if its too much for you then..." Fatima didn't finish her thought. She didn't even know what she was saying.

"If it's too much then what Fatima?" he said standing from his seat.

"Nothing Zac." Fatima said still picking at her nail beds.

"Then What Fatima? Say what you gotta say?"

"Zac, let's just drop this."

"No, Fatima. Then what?" Zac repeated.

Fatima got an alert on her phone that Rock's uber had arrived. "Zac, I'm gonna go."

"There you go running again," Zac said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm not running! I just have to go."

"He must be really special, you're leaving your son's party for him."

"Don't try me, Zachary. Zane is asleep and this was hardly a party for him." She said matching his tone. Her anxiety was replaced with irritation.

"Who is waiting for you outside Fatima?"

"You were listening to my call?"

"Yes, I was. You took your call in my bathroom. So, is this guy you were on a date with?"

Fatima had enough. "Yea. And it would be rude to keep him waiting. She knew she was wrong but she needed to go. She didn't know how much longer her "collected" façade would last. Just then her phone rang. She answered on the second ring. "Hey, I'm coming out now." Fatima could literally see Zac's heart shatter and even though she hated herself for it, she needed to go.

"If you walk out of this house. Don't bother coming back." This isn't how he saw this conversation going. 

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